LOD is also very important and is a great thing to take advantage of, but don't forget the dynamics of a mulitplayer modification. If I remember correctly, Source scales back the LODs to what the user's machine can handle in real time. Say, for example, you put all of your eggs in one basket and...
As Fenric and babywax have said, it depends on where the models will be seen, how close up they'll be to the player, and how many will be on the screen at once. With single player modifications, there's a little more leeway in the counts because it isn't as dynamic of an environment as...
The Edit Triangulation tool works a little differently than the Turn tool in Edit Mesh. Instead of clicking directly on the edge that you want to turn, you click on two vertices to manipulate it. If you play around with it for a little while you'll get the hang of how it functions.
I have a solution for you. It looks like you're using Max5, but if not, this won't apply to you. First, convert the object to Editable Poly. After you've done that, select the vertical edges all the way around the object where you want the other row of edges. See the image below:
Once those...
I didn't mean to come off as complaining about it, if that's how it appeared in my post. It was more of a response to Fishy, who pointed out that hardly anyone entered. To be honest, I wouldn't be able to come up with a decent contest idea because it is quite difficult to arrange a...
I didn't enter because I didn't particularly care for the topic given. Hopefully the next one will be more interesting, and at least a little more challenging.
The edge actually exists there, it is just hidden. I don't know how XSI works since I don't use it, but I assume it works similarly to Max in handling visible and invisible edges. Creating a visible edge there seems to be manipulating the smoothing groups with unpredictable results. I really...
Sorry for taking so long to reply, but I've been having problems with my ISP. I have a response typed up in a text file that I'll paste here if this goes through.
Edit: Hmph, it won't go through for some reason. I'll try breaking it up.
Jaenos: That is a single mesh. Again, I've never used...
If I understand the problem correctly, it looks like Jaenos took care of answering it. Turning that edge should take care of that smoothing error that he pointed out.
However, if you are talking about the very sharp line running across where the flat part of the body meets the area that...
Gmax should have that functionality. As far as I know, Gmax is pretty much a standard version of the full 3DSMax minus rendering, more advanced functions, and a commercial license. I don't have it available to check at the moment, but you should probably take a better look.
Make sure you take the time to inspect and clean up the mesh properly afterwards if you're going to use boolean. It can be a messy tool and requires a lot of clean up work to keep the mesh neat and tidy.
That is a very interesting idea that would be very fun to do. It could also work the other way around, as in being given a weapon and designing and modeling the character you think would carry such a weapon. Allowing the artists to use their imaginations while still sticking to a similar theme...
If you're talking like that in an attempt to be funny, it's not. If you type like that all of the time, perhaps it's time to learn how to communicate like a decent human being.
Anyway, the model looks good to me. The triangle count looks a little high for what it is, though. How about a wire...
I think that should be left open and differ from week to week. Some weeks could be modeling an exact item, while another one could be designing your own and modeling it. That way there's still room for creativity now and then, but also allows for people to test their ability to model something...
We had a discussion about it a little while back and pretty much everyone was in favor of it. I don't know what happened, but it just fizzled out and nothing came of it. Maybe this time we can get something going.
You could shave at least 50 - 75 triangles with some optimization. Three areas in particular that stick out are the nose, top of the body and the bottom of the body. I'd make a quick image to help point out the other areas, but I'm on my laptop right now and I don't have access to an image...
I agree, it look a whole lot better. The upper body could use some more tweaking, but the pants are very nicely done. Nice work on the bottom folds, they turned out great. You are certainly on the right track.
I was going to mention the hip area had some possible deformation and flow problems and show a solution, but Fenric covered that. Then I realized that he covered just about everything, and I would mostly just be repeating what he said. I guess I'll just sit this one out. :)