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  1. Uriel

    Moscow Airport Bombed

    This too, I imagine.
  2. Uriel

    Kingdom Hearts and others like it too late?

    Don't play Kingdom Hearts, play Thief: the Dark Project instead.
  3. Uriel

    Wikileaks military whistleblower in solitary confinement: inhumane treatment

    I don't know how many people actually witnessed the video before it was released, so I cannot say how many people withheld information. But nonetheless, with the military hitting so hard on reporting LOAC violations, Private Bradley, should have been able to report what he saw through his chain...
  4. Uriel

    Wikileaks military whistleblower in solitary confinement: inhumane treatment

    WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!! So many of these posts are so frustrating to read, but this one takes the cake for me. I cannot tell you how many briefings I've sat through concerning the LOAC and every single one of them have stated, multiple times, if there is a violation of the LOAC, it is your...
  5. Uriel


    Guess who won this fight? (HINT: It wasn't honeydew melon hands)
  6. Uriel

    US Navy: Electromagnetic Railgun

    Use it on a super-carrier to knock out anti-air capabilities....... the rest is obvious. But what the heck does the US military know when their knowledge is compared to amazing ranks of the PEOPLE OF THE INTERWEBS!!!
  7. Uriel

    North Korean potential ruler sidelined because he was a gamer

    There goes our diplomacy. "We will give you the Half-Life 3 beta, if you stop being a ******."
  8. Uriel

    North and South Korean Tension

    As most disputes are :(
  9. Uriel

    'The Dark Knight Rises'

    I still wish Christian Bale sounded like Kevin Conroy :(
  10. Uriel

    Hate Emails by the fireplace with Richard Dawkins

    I used to participate actively in threads like these, until I realized they're pointless. They're not constructive or beneficial in any manner and they only reduce our tolerance. Grow up and quit adding fuel to the fire. When you get older, you'll realize it's okay to have a difference of...
  11. Uriel

    Scientists see what came before Big Bang

    Amazing :)
  12. Uriel

    North and South Korean Tension

    Guess we're sending this badboy for the exercise
  13. Uriel

    North and South Korean Tension

    Yeah, enough is enough. This should have ended in the 80's.
  14. Uriel

    North and South Korean Tension

    Air Force
  15. Uriel

    North and South Korean Tension

    When it means a possibility of deploying, it tends to catch my attention.
  16. Uriel

    North and South Korean Tension

    Apparently SK was doing test fires around that area but no artillery entered NK territory.