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  1. lonefox

    the incredible machine what teh

    I like the idea :) I think a cool idea for lamers is pretty simple. Have it so if someone is being a lamer people can bring a voting menu (only the team with the lamer) and vote to get rid of him. It then kicks him from the server. Anyways, for gameplay ideas, I think it would be cool...
  2. lonefox

    lighting in hl2

    Ya, and if you want realistic shadows and incredible phyiscs why not want 32 (or more) player multiplayer! I'll take good multiplayer over super kick-ass shadows anyday.
  3. lonefox

    time to choose

    yeah, I think he accepts the offer then years later he arrives at the city... ( could be wrong though )
  4. lonefox

    Innovative Mod Idea -Original and New- help wanted

    umm, if your saying that you invented servers having customized options to make the game how they want it played... Ie the server chooses the gamemode... (please, if thats not it clarify for me..) well, then if your saying that I would like to announce something... Right before I...