No whining here. If you look at the comparison screens there is an obvious difference between the amount and quality of the grass, which looks distracting enough for me to buy the 360 version. Foliage was the wrong word to use, there's no difference on the trees. The differences aren't great...
360 version certainly does have AA. PS3 version is most likely using Quincunx (sp?) AA which blurs the entire image, while 360 is probably using 2x MA. If the only image difference was the lower resolution, I'd be getting this on PS3, but the reduction in foliage pushes me over to 360. Don't...
Oh wow the treasure maps are incredible. It shows you an actual sequence of scenery sketches!
I promised no new games until my exams are over. Can I actually keep that promise?
I'm going to scream into a ****ing pillow.
I meant "there's hope yet" in regard to the clarification of the island's purpose and whatnot. In terms of the show itself, it's impressive that in the years of watching Lost this is the only episode to give a sour taste, and that's more because of expectations and the placement of the episode...
I did watch the video. Or at least I tried up to the point he zoomed in on text that he has given no context to highlighting the words "KILL WHITE MALES". Would you compare this movie with "Der Ewige Jude 2" if you knew what the hell Machete was about? Anyone who takes Machete seriously is doing...
You do this every time you come out with your crap. "I'm not saying anything...But here's a video/article/picture that says the Mexicans are gonna kill your family." **** you.
Don't you think it's possible he may be deliberately poking fun at your exact type of person?
Edit: And don't accuse me of not watching your ridiculous, sensationalist video when you clearly have done no research on the film you have declared "racist".
Replace the "Tarantino" with "Robert Rodriguez" in Tagaziel's post and the rest remains the same. The entire movie is a spoof, the trailer was inserted into the Tarantino/Rodriguez film Grindhouse. Back then it was fake, but they decided to go with it after it had a positive reception in...