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  1. random.hero

    HL2 Compile Toolkit

    is there any way to compile player models with this? and if not, can you show me a way to do so? im totally new to this compiling malarky so... be gentle :p
  2. random.hero

    Gabe Newell player model

    haha, love it. by the looks of it it youve edited his shadow slightly as well or is that just my eyes playing tricks on me? have you got a tutorial on how you got it from .smd format into CSS? im currently editing the terrorist model but can only compile it as either a prop or weapon model...
  3. random.hero

    Legal rights to Models and Face Poser

    maybe start looking to the people who made it? ...Valve, thats the most logical place to start asking.
  4. random.hero

    What i(most of us) where waiting for ! (new steam update)

    if you were so looking forward to using it, why havnt you tried it? personally, i dont see why its so amazing...but im lost when it comes to animation.
  5. random.hero

    Need Moddlers

    first off wrong forum, next, what is it about ? and you might want to improve the english if the mod 'isnt no shitty joke'
  6. random.hero

    Servers not inforcing model

    'it says something like server is not enforcing model' that kinda answers your question... anyways, the proper answer is that some servers enforce file consistency, so if they find that your v_m4a1.mdl or whatever isnt the same as their copy then they stop you from connecting. basically...
  7. random.hero

    How to extract the textures from models?

    dont thank me, thank the person who wrote the the HL2World tutorial :p
  8. random.hero

    How to extract the textures from models?

    get GCFScape and open counter-strike shared.gcf then go to materials > weapons > v_models > then the gun you want. extract all the files for your gun. then convert the .vtf files to tgas with the tool. openin em in photoshop and skin away.
  9. random.hero


    looks damn fine to me, but i agree with mika, please do a version with the socom thingy... its just naaasty
  10. random.hero

    Texturing a Model

    ... or how about trying the tutorials that come with Max ? that seems the most logical option.
  11. random.hero

    strange thing in model viewer...

    not when its not really important and can be answered in one post by someone who knows what they're talking about... like Angry Lawyer :dozey:
  12. random.hero

    strange thing in model viewer...

    was that so important you had to make a whole new thread about it ? the chances are that the picture is an old concept and they just didnt change the thumbnail.
  13. random.hero

    Adding a skin...

    what are you asking, how to edit the existing skins of the civilians ?
  14. random.hero


    hey, that looks pretty good. the only crit i have is the wasted polies and the smoothing on most parts of the model could be better. HL2 World Tutorials have a look through them :)
  15. random.hero

    Texturing... ( i dont like UVW's )

    it helps to have a mind geared towards puzzles, as sometimes thats how it turns out :p its not hard, it just takes a while, like Pi said. Tip: look at each section individually and work out in youre head how it will unfold before diving straight in and you'll be fine :thumbs:
  16. random.hero

    Terrorist, Counter-Terrorist and Gold Desert Eagle Skin

    hey, thanks for the comments. as the last terrorist was pretty bland and not very different from the original, ive updated it. anyways, now hes got jeans, (slightly) darker boots and a grey shirt. ( just thought id clear this up... the jeans arnt mine. theyre nicked from the hostages :p )
  17. random.hero

    Terrorist, Counter-Terrorist and Gold Desert Eagle Skin was made in 10minutes unsing photoshop :p im just messin about, but i preferred my seal skin to the boring green original. thought someone else might think the same.
  18. random.hero

    Terrorist, Counter-Terrorist and Gold Desert Eagle Skin

    nah, nor am i really. i just did it for a laugh to see how itd react under the cubemaps and if it would actually look gold as opposed to yellow :)
  19. random.hero

    Terrorist, Counter-Terrorist and Gold Desert Eagle Skin

    i planned to, but when the pics were to big i couldnt be arsed to resize them. anyways, it doesnt take much to download 2MB, to save me the trouble of resizing them :p anyways... PS. ive just edited the T to have some jeans instead of the crappy urban camo trousers. they look better, just...
  20. random.hero

    need new model'n program

    you obviously realised that... so why didnt you think to search before posting ? ...just a thought :|