All Aboard! Everyone hop on the Darwinist holocaust train!
Well the everyone grab your ticket! The dark side is going to make it that every man, woman and child has free health care. It's not exactly the same, but for me it brings back images of the jews being led towards the death showers in...
Hilarious...great post.
This is my fav so far
"I can sum it all up in three words: Evolution is a lie"
"I AM here to be my husband's "personal maid" and to be "stuck in the house." I showed plenty of verses that showed that - the 31st chapter of Proverbs! Wives are to be a help meet for their...
If you asked me this a few years ago, i wouldn't undoubtably answered yes. But, since i completed HL2 ive had a complete lack of interest in games. I played MSG2, beat it, thought the first half was brilliant and the last half was absolute garbage. I tried other games like MSG3, stalker and a...
So this is what its come to? New shows now need to rip off old shows that ripped off old movies which the new shows are based on.
Or someone..including you Lucas...could gee..i dunno....come up with something new? ****
2001 possesses many of the same traits that make Bladerunner "slow" and "overall dull", except more so.
Definitely give it a shot though. It's my all time favorite movie, I can't say enough good things about it.
Starwars is probably the better trilogy, as in there are only minor variations in quality throughout 4-6. Whereas the Godfather part 3 always gets the shaft in terms of acclaim.
Other then that i don't know how you can compare the two. They are both intended to be polar opposites of eachother.
It's funny because HL( and im assuming need for speed) has no female characters..outside of that training chick..who is clearly a hologram and wearing a full body hazard suit.
I think the godfather part 1 and 2 are great films, without a doubt...but i also think they are pretty overrated. Only in that they are always referenced as the two best movies ever made. I would go as far to say that, though great, they can't touch other classics like Apocalypse Now or Raging...
No...but it helps, especially since its a sequel to one of the bloodiest trilogy's of all time and you can tell that each scene was shot with the intention of showing shit loads of gore and that the editor had to resort to fast (otherwise unnecessary) cuts.
EDIT/ plus we didn't say it wasn't...
I agree Harij, it's biggest detraction is by far the rating. I felt like i was watching it on TBS or something. The villian wasn't too bad, but i don't think that actor stands with the likes of Rickman or Irons.
Bring on the directors cut.
Do you guys think that studio's aren't far off from...