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  1. M

    Who's going to get it the day it comes out?

    how could u wait till christmas? and you young and poor ?
  2. M

    My copy is being picked and packed!!!

    it wasnt obvious though, It’s hard to tell when ppl are joking or being sarcastic when reading text. The fact that he wrote so much for such a unfunny joke made me wonder if he was serious
  3. M

    My copy is being picked and packed!!!

    are you joking or stupid?
  4. M

    Ahh! I just came up with a great idea for use of gravity guns in HL2DM!

    how about aiming it at a mirror and picking yourself up? :|
  5. M

    What song will you play as Half-Life 2 unlocks?

    beaten the game or beaten yourself off over the loading screen?
  6. M

    Right, I've decided!

    or maybe bosh some pills and jack up on the brown juice? :monkee:
  7. M

    Glad I didn't purchase gold..(after seeing pics) Cheezy1

    im glade u made this post thanks
  8. M

    NO HL3 or other 3d games

    please ignore me :D
  9. M

    3 pics

    you talk like a 14 year old like :cheese:
  10. M

    WIll HL2 Opening Day Match This?!

    they both start with a H and end in a 2, what more do u need?
  11. M

    New Half-Life 2 Editing Page

    anyone know where i can find some fun maps to mess about with the source physics? i would make some, but, i cant
  12. M

    There must be HL2DM

    who told lies? hl2dm is dead, long live hl2dm :)
  13. M

    Played Halo 2 for 10 hours straight and...

    I knew it would suck i bet i was first to say that :|
  14. M

    **Poll** How badly do you want HALF-LIFE²?

    i wanted it now for ages, but atm i dont really mind, its been to long waiting for me :(
  15. M

    Ever Popular Lambda for HL(2)

    gabe always looked a little "hey sweet thing" to me
  16. M

    You might want to look at this...

    so you would download the illegal crack rather than download the legal release patch? hurmm, nice move you rebel! you must be clever
  17. M

    ATI Driver Problems

    yea this is eeasy to fix, just do a custom update from the xp update website system thing and install .net framework
  18. M

    Source SDK on Steam update history

    im getting a message atm saying steam sever are too busy to upload css to me. maybe this means somthing? i dunno k it works now :cat:
  19. M

    Evil Project

    yea wrong, all wrong.
  20. M

    Steam and the future of gaming

    buying on steam and then dvd is just crazy, you gona uninstall steam then reinstall just to warn up the dvd drive?