Open beta is just that, open! lol, there's going to be a signup period before it begins that allows anyone who signed up to access the beta. I'm not sure if this signup period will be limited, it probably will be, but EVERYONE that applies will get access to it.
The game will not make an early November release. It's still in closed beta, has (atleast) 2 more patches to go before open beta, and then it will go through atleast a week or open beta. I'd imagine longer.
It'll probably make an early december release, but I can't see it hitting early...
The first part of your post is irrelevant. I'd of believed VALVe over anon if they didn' say that only 1/3rd of the source code got stolen (yeah, sure..) and that which was stolen wasn't a recent version of HL2 had it not taken them a year to finish what they claimed was already done.
Proof, such as CS:S being stolen BEFORE VALVe claimed they started work on it?
Anyhow.. I'm not sure who's coming off as a VALVe hater here.. I didn't read the whole topic. I, by no means, hate VALVe. I dislike some of what they do, but for the most part, I have nothing but respect for them.
The ONLY POSSIBLE WAY for people to port CS and HL THEMSELVES would to be actually having HL and the CS source code, which nobody does.
What was stolen was VALVe's work. This is EXTREMELY apparent in the HL:S port, for it's as we've seen it TODAY, it was just about 1/10th of the game done...
I couldn't e-mail them to you, so I PMed you. Check your PMs :)
And yes, I agree. I've always loathed the BS that is "we didn't start work on CS:S until February of '04"
Okay. Just took some screens posey, obviously I'm not allowed to link them here. I'll drop you an e-mail real quick with links to the screens right now.
Edit: nm, I'll just PM them to you.
I still have it on my computer? Do you want screens or something?
The version of CS:S that got stolen with HL2 was as follows..
One map, de_piranesi. Nothing was updated, except the water. Most of the guns were the USP Match from HL2. There were few gun models, and the one that worked was...
Without reading through the topic (sorry if this was covered, I'm SURE it was), this is a complete and utter lie. The stolen build had CS:S stolen with it. Granted, it was in the VERY early works, but it was DEFINITELY being worked on.
People who talk during movies should be shot, repeatedly. I know you're probably at a younger age and you think it's hilarious to talk during movies and see people get angry, then you make fun of them.. but, one day, you'll realize how much of a jerk you really were when you were younger...