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    Whos the chick? new character? alyx? combine bounty hunter?

    dux: seen it before, sorry.
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    Spitcodfry's trip to valve

    that was great, congrats spitcod!
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    For real ?

    i vote what.
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    How do I PM someone?

    it's probably gonna take a while since those pics might be pretty big.
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    For real ?

    yeah, why not?
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    For real ?

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    What kind of vehicles would you like to see?

    actually... 'driving' fat chicks in mp sounds VERY cool. i imagine sumo-wrestling with fat chicks. i'd love it. :D
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    what resolution will you be playing at.

    i'm gonna try 1024x768 and see how it runs. preferably i run my games @ 1280x1024, since that is my dekstop res.
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    OT: UT2K3 9-11 Survivor Mod

    i'd play it. compare it to all those WWII games out there. there's nothing 'funny' about WWII, it's just the excitement that does it. i think that would be the same with a 9/11 mod.
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    will the antlion (-guard) be able to swim?

    tedge: yup. thnx for posting. i fixed the link.
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    will the antlion (-guard) be able to swim?

    i came across this ^^^ screenshot for the 4523784th time and suddenly noticed the antlions were standing in the water. do you think antlions and antlion guards will be able to swim? i think they will. it would be pretty cool if they could. and scary too; being chased by those aliens...
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    Last game you were this excited about...

    Max Payne & GTA Vice City both for PC.
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    What's your STEAM ID # ?

    28642 i just installed it. one question: where are the HL2 bink videos? they're not listed in steam...
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    New Video Comparisons...

    where did you people get the leak/beta then? so i can judge for myself... :D
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    New Video Comparisons...

    actually i was totally surprised by those tall modern buildings. i thought they would go for the older look. but i think it adds a lot of realism. makes me think people actually live there. :D <-- check the avatar
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    The Hl2 Menu!

    who says this is the definitive HL2 menu... i think they'll redesign it before it is released.
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    New Video Comparisons...

    i still think the distant buildings are a HUGE contribution to the atmosphere, so i changed my avatar. *searching for logic*
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    New Video Comparisons...

    wow! in the pic g0rgon posted, check out the reflection of the yellow building w/ the orange roof, on the roof of the 'barn' as anubis called it. it looks great. and that was one hard sentence...
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    New Video Comparisons...

    did you notice the combine citadel is constantly moving? it's great! it kinda looks like some sort of lifts moving... must be the citadel eating a part of town :D