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  1. RabidMeatloaf

    Trial Of Saddam Hussein Begins I hope they fry him.
  2. RabidMeatloaf

    Political Compass (again)

    The opposite of left!!:P
  3. RabidMeatloaf

    They Hunger: Lost Souls

    Oh. My. God. *dies*
  4. RabidMeatloaf

    I just had this dream...

    And I had a dream this thread got locked due to spam.
  5. RabidMeatloaf

    What websites do you visit most.

    Myspace MSNBC Sometimes
  6. RabidMeatloaf

    Day of Defeat: Source Video

    Wow..amazing! Can't wait to play this game.
  7. RabidMeatloaf

    IGN Hands-On Day of Defeat: Source Preview

    From the videos, it looks like Valve turned the gameplay of DoD into more blazing fast Counter-Strike crap. I hope I'm wrong.
  8. RabidMeatloaf Wikipedia Page

    In the event's wiki gets the axe, there's always Uncylopedia...
  9. RabidMeatloaf

    Favorite TV Series

    Battlestar Galactica (new series) for t3h win!
  10. RabidMeatloaf

    US rewrites nuke laws to allow for pre-emptive strikes

    Pre-emptive nuke strikes FTW!!
  11. RabidMeatloaf

    impeach Bush now.

    Not gonna happen, sadly. Clinton was a pimp, yo.:farmer:
  12. RabidMeatloaf

    New Study: 39,000 Iraqis killed since 2003 small arms alone

    :laugh: 39,000 though...damn. We must be REALLY trigger happy.:sniper:
  13. RabidMeatloaf

    9/11/01 - 4 years ago and still with us

    Dunno what there's to be happy about... But whatever, go and party if it tickles your pickle...:rolleyes:
  14. RabidMeatloaf

    Scathing Keith Olbermann Video

    Old (for me) Still a kick ass commentary though.
  15. RabidMeatloaf

    Happy Birthday Evan!

    And she's legal!!! :naughty:
  16. RabidMeatloaf

    Wot Tabloid Headline Would you like to see?

    "Gas Is Free!"
  17. RabidMeatloaf

    New Counter Strike Map

    Use Imageshack...
  18. RabidMeatloaf

    The unOfficial: post a pic of your town thread!

    Here's where I live. Boise, Idaho.
  19. RabidMeatloaf

    Transporter 2

    I haven't ever seen Transporter 1...but this movie looks pretty fun.
  20. RabidMeatloaf

    Weekly Steam News (26/08/05)

    Yeah....sounds like Lost Coast is a little....lost... >_> Oh wellz. DoD:S shall pwn.