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    Playing Little by Little...

    man i tried the same. i work at 5pm-11pm, and mon and tues i stayed up till 6am. getting all excited knowing that after work im gonna get stoned and play hl2. now im afraid its gonna end soon. hopefully there will by a civilian vs combine MP mod.
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    HL2 Nominated for SpikeTV Video Game Awards!

    half lfie 2 wont win goty on SPIKE. all those peole are mostly console gamers.
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    HL2 MP Servers UP-NO JOKE

    **** i cant wait for a civilian vs combine MP. that would be so sicc
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    how long is halflife2?

    man this game is soooo f*ckin awesome man, i dont want it to end.
  5. B COMBINE traptown?

    or atleast just give to us as a bonus stage. i'd just like to play it.
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    my biggest complaint. cant zooom??

    damn that kinda sux...i wish traptown was a bonus stage, because in ravenholme, there werent too many traps to play with. in the video, gordan was zooming with the smg and shooting. the zoom u guys are talkin about is the suit zoom right?
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    my biggest complaint. cant zooom??

    i remember in the videos that the smg had a zoom function, did they take it out? also, did they take out traptown?
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    how long is halflife2?

    i jsut got out of ravenholm, and drove the buggy to the lighthouse. just got past that part. how much is left? thanks
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    Those of you with 6800...please help!!

    parrot glad its workin for ya man, but many post about GT's not doing too well. all i know is that my VST gt@ultra speeds was 103fps VST stock xt was 137fps.
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    Those of you with 6800...please help!!

    damn glad i traded my gt for a xt. 1280x960 4xAA 8xAF i get 100fps thats with v-sync on. if i turn it off i get 84-227fps.
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    can u zoom w/ smg?

    man for some reason i cant zoom. only shoot bullets or nades...u can zoom with this gun right?
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    Where are you in HL2

    HOW MANY levels are there? i just finished water hazrd. theres alot more left right?
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    New ATI Drivers For HalfLife2??

    VST 1280x1024 4xAA 8xAF my 6800gt@ultra speeds =103fps my x800xt SAME SETTINGS = 154fps. cat 4.12betas x800xt SAME SETTINGS = 142fps cat 4.11betas drivers helped a little, but the biggest help was when i sold my GT for a x800xt.
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    6800 GT for HL2

    ofcourse i did man. anyways what settings u running on? how much aa and af? for example in bombsite when bomb blows up gt = sometimes 30fps. this was a gt @ ultra speeds also. same spot XT=65fps. in aztec 16vs16 gt = heavy action 35-40fps XT= 65 in heavy action. and people talkin...
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    Who will make more money?

    halo, because of the promotings.
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    6800 GT for HL2

    they nvidias will run it fine. i must say, i had a 6800gt, but just sold it for a x800xt. in cs:S the GTwould sometimes drop to 35fps in action. the x800xt is ALWAYS 85-218fps 1280x1024 4xAA 8xAF' also if you want to read benchesm i think xbit labs did a report on 11/04...
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    what does IIRC mean?

    what does IIRC stand for?
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    all these HL2 mods, but will they actually come out?

    man i was hoping for a really good tactical fps mod
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    Amd 64 oc guide

    i got a asus a8v deluxe, amd64 3500+ 90nm, and ocz 3500. i have no idea how to overclock. before this all i had was a 2.4c, and overclocking that was easy..jsut raise the FSB. with AMD i am completely lost.
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    all these HL2 mods, but will they actually come out?

    ofcourse we got many people working on mods, but how of these mdos will actually come out? as we know, many mods never get that far, after awhile they just give up, and the mod is never completed.