While the Combine and the aliens seem to be the most apparent problems to mankind and Freeman right now, I think it's obvious that something way even bigger is happening.
I mean regarding everything I know about the events in the HL games the G-man seems to be the strongest and on top of...
If you would have a clue, you'd know communism shouldnt be placed in line with crimes.
And I for one, have not heard or seen of the "lack of freedom" you describe, nor the oppressive government, during my stays there. I was in Cuba 3 times, for about 8 days every time.
People cant be more...
that's the funniest thing ever :p
I bet all Cubans love the country that made them poor and has kept them systematically poor. You'll never be allies with those people as long as there are Cubans alive who lived through this.
The Congres is republican coloured...and so will the Supreme Court after Bush wil appoint his men...
how many of them are to old to be in the Supreme court? And how many new members will be placed there by Bush?
Saudi Arabia for instance is way more dangerous than Iraq, and, most of the oil in Saudi-Arabia is given to the US anyway. The US en SA are good partners.