to the admins, how bout, someone here posts a url to scans...and you wait 30 mins for us to see and spread the word, then you can delete, and take up responsability...towards bout it? :p
How bout my theory:
In the interview with the guy from PCGamer US he answers the following to the question wether there will be a HL2 MP.
"Only CS:S" (twice)
He didn't say: No, there's no HL2 themed MP what so ever...
If I recall well, Gabe saying he played HL2's MP every day, was...
Just open the DVD in windows, make sure e can see PCGamer + date press "print screen"
open paint
right click--> paste
save as
upload to the board :)
voila, insta proof :D
If he has the DVD with the movies on, then he could open that, take a screenshot of the DVDwindow with paint, and show it to us....
Make sure a date is shown :)
that might be your proof please do :)