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  1. ferd

    HL2 Multiplayer

    so I guess this means, there is a big chance there IS indeed a HL2 THEMED MP, not necessarely DM...
  2. ferd

    Wikipedia's definition of Half-Life 2...

    he, nice site :p
  3. ferd

    Release Hour !!!!

    well it might make sense if you consider steam...
  4. ferd

    HL2 Multiplayer

    I knew it, I knew it! :D
  5. ferd

    Late november release = bull

    well, 2 threads wouldn't hurt
  6. ferd

    **** USA 23rd Nov, Europe 26 Nov. UnOfficial ****

    well, I guess it's ok :D
  7. ferd

    New Screenshots [Gamershell - NOT SCANS!!!]

    nice one :) finally some new stuff to get excited about :D
  8. ferd

    PC Gamer UK Score

    to the admins, how bout, someone here posts a url to scans...and you wait 30 mins for us to see and spread the word, then you can delete, and take up responsability...towards bout it? :p
  9. ferd

    What happened to: Gabe "I play HL2 Multiplayer every day?"

    How bout my theory: In the interview with the guy from PCGamer US he answers the following to the question wether there will be a HL2 MP. "Only CS:S" (twice) He didn't say: No, there's no HL2 themed MP what so ever... If I recall well, Gabe saying he played HL2's MP every day, was...
  10. ferd

    How many games has got 96%

    hmm, so 96% in PCGamer UK is a really really high score it seems...PCGamer US gives higher (less good) ratings imo
  11. ferd

    PC Gamer UK Score

    Fifa got 89%? Boy, they must have changed the passing system again :p
  12. ferd

    Does IGN know something we dont know?

    i think the writer is confused
  13. ferd

    PC Gamer UK Score

    thx again scorps!! :) let's face it, HL2 did get a 96% :D :D whiii
  14. ferd

    would be funy if...

    haha, let's flame VU :)
  15. ferd

    PC Gamer UK Score

    thx scorp!! :)
  16. ferd

    PC Gamer UK Score

    Just open the DVD in windows, make sure e can see PCGamer + date press "print screen" open paint right click--> paste save as upload to the board :) voila, insta proof :D
  17. ferd

    No longer encrypted?

    it's kinda weird though...why would valve let us watch those silly pics :)
  18. ferd

    PC Gamer UK Score

    hehe :) It would only take 2 mins, I doubt he can come up with a decent excuse to avoid doing this :)
  19. ferd

    For the east coast at's September 30th...2004

    we should remind the 30th september thing for all those years to come :)
  20. ferd

    PC Gamer UK Score

    If he has the DVD with the movies on, then he could open that, take a screenshot of the DVDwindow with paint, and show it to us.... Make sure a date is shown :) that might be your proof please do :)