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  1. S

    Political Awareness Test for the vote?

    Pure comedy gold Mr 15357, keep up the good work. :thumbs:
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    Clerks II.

    I really hate to break up this "opinion vs analysis" debate -as passionate and entertaining as it is- , but...... has anyone actully seen Clerks 2 ? PS; Kubrick > Hitchcock
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    Polar bears drown as ice shelf melts

    If only resurrecting extinct species were this easy. :(
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    Political Awareness Test for the vote?

    Its easier to run into them than you might think, genocide massacre and occupation are not words that the English are encouraged to associate with the glory of empire. To the question; no, no to any barriers to participation in the political process. As has been said earlier, make voting...
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    English Only restaurant sign gets owner in trouble

    I dont get it, surely there's some kind of contradiction here. Either the sign should read "This is England, speak English" Or, "This is America, speak American" The message seems to be "This is country X, I am very proud to be an X-ican. Please speak the language of country Y , whilst on...
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    New STALKER pics + HDR

    You know the drill, clicky. The most understated pic;
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    A third term for Bush...?

    Its easy to check. Any legislation would have made it to official websites and would be searchable. If you cant find it , it aint there. Guess what? Its not there.
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    House Rejects Net Neutrality... the bastards

    Well the republicans have done nothing other than voting for their own self interest, again. Just kneeling down and sucking on some fat corporate pipe. As we all know, net neutrality is just a little too .....socialist, really.
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    Airstrike kills terror leader al-Zarqawi in Iraq

    Dont take this the wrong way stern, but if there was anyone in the position to change the nature of the debate in here.... its you. Like I say( and I really do mean this) dont take it as adversarial, its just that you can choose to ignore certain comments in order to focuse debate in a more...
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    Homosexuality & Censorship

    Which is entirely separate to any definition of (a)morality, you are taking some unsubstantiated leaps by intertwining the two.
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    Prosecution: Canadian Terrorists planned to decapitate canadian PM

    Over here(London) we had a police raid at the weekend. A man was shot and the papers were full of "terrorist chemical bomb threat" type headlines. It seems the police acted on very sound information that muslim extremists were planning another attack, and in the dawn raid a man struggled for...
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    Homosexuality & Censorship

    Thats one definition Ive never heard of, care to elaborate ? The rest was top class btw.
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    Help with Vampires:The masquerade-Redemption, please. This gamefaqs page should have all you need. Its a good game for its time imho.
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    Episode 2 Teaser Discussion

    I doubt that the alyx/gordon shower scene would go that far. mean the forest in the trailer? *blushes* Nevermind then. ;)
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    13th amendment

    Thats actually pretty interesting, but why is this coming up now ? Are there moves to reinstate the military draft in the US at the moment?
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    Election Day!

    You specifically disagree with , what exactly ?
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    Iraqi Civilian Massacre: how it happened

    Ok, I've just opened up page five of this thread, and something tells me "we aint in kansas nomore toto". (Human variant CJD is what gets me to the hospital btw).
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    THQ hired Dean Sharpe to fix S.t.a.l.k.e.r "mess"

    That bit made me laugh, so now we play booze-guzzling gun-toting tresspassing mercenaries? *stalker walks up to mutant* "Aalright pal, yoos got a drink av ya?" *stalker hugs mutant* "Yoor mah besht *hic* mate yoo are! I luv you ! Nah.... nah.... nah.... seriously. ......" *mutant looks...
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    Election Day!

    I have a question for you mr.15357, do you support the policies of the GNP?
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    Should College Education be Free?

    Although I strongly believe that healthcare should be free to all, I would agree that US medical technology is more advanced (and that it is the charging structure that is largely responsible). However, that alone does not deliver the best care to the greatest number of patients, in fact I...