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  1. Vanthem

    New High Res Movie

    Right here, man. But I'd take the advice of, "Don't bother." It's nothing you haven't seen except the buggy chase is in better quality (but it's cut short, very short). I'd just wait for a Bink version.
  2. Vanthem

    Can we talk about Hosting?

    What type of hosting you looking for, Magnetic? For a mod, modeling website, what?
  3. Vanthem

    the camed HL2 vids

    Thanks, Viper, I was about to mention HL2Files also. We've got all the videos you'll want, Mutt. Just follow this link and enjoy. If you run into any snags, you can e-mail me at [email protected] and I'll try to help you out.
  4. Vanthem

    Aussie Release Date?

    So all in all, the short answer to this question is, "Hell if we know." :p
  5. Vanthem

    A neat real-time Physics Demo (Non-Havok)...

    I hadn't seen it either. :thumbs: Hey, $paz, I just noticed your monkey disease sig. That wouldn't happen to be a Pumpkins quote would it?