i want to buy a new pc, maybe u guys can help me out here a litle. :cheers:
i wanna spend like 1000 euro on it.
im from belgium btw :p
thx alot guys maybe ile save 500euro :p
What are u gus gonna do now? say there is a movie/ore something else in it...Are u guys just gonna wait here? com on action action hack the file, but do something. :flame:
hi ,
i have a intel p4 1800, ge-force 3 ti 200 , 524mb ram.
i have max 1000 euro, how do i upgrade my pc the best for that price? i live in belgium.
tank you , greetz xXx
hi all :cheese: ,
I have 1000 Euro for my new pc, what pc should i buy?
plz help me out here.
i wan the best pc i can get for 1000Euro:cheese: i already have a intel p4 1800, g-force ti 200, 524mb ram maybe upgrade?
THX guys :cheers: