Search results

  1. R

    7 days= 1 week.....

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    A little fun in this hard world :)

  3. R

    I wonder how this Radeon will run HL2

    i dont onderstand the site, all i know is that it are 2 9800 pro's, someone give us info ore die in a painfull dead! (i say tha to everybody nm)
  4. R

    Has any other month in your life felt so long?

    i have it naturally... ...... i ... i .... I ... i think :eek:
  5. R

    Has any other month in your life felt so long?

    nope dude this month was very fast ;)
  6. R

    Just 1 week to go!

    Im gonna buy it in the store 30 sept, if its not there i buy over steam.! simpel
  7. R

    Aussie Release Date?

    simpel: if its not in the store here 30 sept, then i download/buy over steam and i buy a new copy in 2 years ; )
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    The last copy of hl2 is on the shelf...

    :cheers: :cheese: JUP LICK IT GOOOD
  9. R

    And so it begins, ads start rolling out.....

    ATI RULEZ, i have a ati 9800 pro 256mb and i can not wait to buy the next ownage card of them!!
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    Firingsquad HL2 Performance Preview 2

    nice 1 post!
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    nvidia ahhh nvidia

    : (
  12. R

    Half-Life 2 benchmark numbers right here

    With Half-Life 2 scheduled to ship before NV40, it looks like there's no getting around the fact that ATI is the only game in town when it comes to HL2. As for Nvidia, NV40 had better bring substantial performance increases—or its going to get real ugly in the graphics war. :cool...
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    Is Steam gonna be realised in 4 hours?

    do we have to delete steam? ore will the new installer do that?
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    steam under contruction

    lol i can still play over steam : )
  15. R

    9800pro or wait for the XT?

    thats what im gonna skip and buy th even newer generation ;)
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    Half Life 2 "put up for auction"

    check it out! And ATI Wins!
  17. R

    R360, Radeon 9800XT to ship with Half Life 2 Hi, im roxXx the owner of a 9800 pro 256 mb and i feel dirty ;(