there are like 4 topics about this, this thread should not have bin sarted.
-anyway,: i would pay it
- but like we all know, we dont know sh*t about it but rumors, so i dont think it will be like that!
someting tels me this is not right!
the bonus pak ok
-but a version whit and whitout mods, no i dont think so, not for world's nr1 online game for the next 4 years! (whel i hope valve can make it 1 and start on hl3 now :D)
u know what would be nasty?
go to scool
do ure very best at it
u rush to the gamestore
man from gamestore srry m8, to late sold out! come back next week ore so. will be if noone is going to go to scool on 30 sept.
ic all over forums ple are gonna skip scool that day :D
i dont go to scool so i dont have that prob :D
so what u gonna do?:bonce: