GABE READ MY WORDS: MAKKE THE 30Sep release date and we will love u!
If u do not make it, we will be very disapointed in u!
it would b nice to see valve realy making a release date for the 1 time whitout have to change it.
wo wants to buy my pc? couse im upgrading to: p4 3,0ghz, ati radeon 9800 pro 256mb.
pentium 4 1700Ghz xp
524Mb ram
Ge-Force 3 Ti 200
operation system: windows xp professional
80 Gig Hard disk space
Price: what do u think i can ask?
My price: 700 euro
hi there,
I em going to buy the Radeon 9800 PRO 256MB tomoro, what do u think about this cards? any reviews about it?
someone have problems whit some games? bad drivers?
plz post some if u know lost off money that card i dont want to mess it up.
thx greetz,
hey dudes,
what is the best 3d kart to but ? should i wail till 1 week before hl2 comes out? to have a pricable and good vieo kart? tthere so much rip off and stufff ... but what is the best to do?
First off all i want to say that human made this file,
are we humans? yes so dont come off whit the ****ing shit that u will not b able to extract the next video!
Ok here's da deal, im going to search on some hackers forums, u know there are people spending all days hacking things for...