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  1. Lyrids

    Gameplay Pre Orders - Vivendi's Answers

    Either way it's too expensive IMO.
  2. Lyrids

    best OS for games?

    I agree. No one should say Linux is the best OS for gaming if you know what you're doing with it, it simply doesn't play any big games well. You can use things like WineX to allow you to play the games in Linux but not all games work correctly and I'm pretty sure you have to play them windowed...
  3. Lyrids

    hl2-glithces-post here

    Omfg what are we losers!!??!? Oh wait . . .
  4. Lyrids

    hl2-glithces-post here

    Christ you have to be kidding me. The game isn't even out yet and there are countless people speculating the various bugs in the game. This build from E3 was VERY OLD. It is a safe bet to say that most of the bugs since then have been fixed or not important enough to effect gameplay. Seriously...
  5. Lyrids

    Mission To Mars Website Open

    Awkward ............
  6. Lyrids

    MORE good news for ati radeon users!!

    I'm not a fanboy, I accept that the new line of ATi cards are as good if not better than the current nVidia cards. I was just making fun of the way ATi worded the statement, sounded as if they were promising they would actually try working on the drivers this time.
  7. Lyrids

    Oxygen, Poisonous?

    That sounds like the most plausible explanation, that they're just for show. But let us have our fun ;(
  8. Lyrids

    Oxygen, Poisonous?

    I think that gas masks are scary because normally you can't see the persons eyes in modern gas masks, they just look like big dark circles. They're also irregularly shaped, they don't resemble anything human, which frightens a lot of people.
  9. Lyrids

    Oxygen, Poisonous?

    It didn't offend me I just thought it was dumb that you still posted that even after I apologized and corrected myself.
  10. Lyrids

    Oxygen, Poisonous?

    I ****ed up you've done it before too. I then corrected myself. I know this stuff I just made a mistake. I'm not dumb enough to say something like what the girl said.
  11. Lyrids

    MORE good news for ati radeon users!!

    *Cough*FANBOY*Cough* Seriously though you're a fanboy.
  12. Lyrids

    MORE good news for ati radeon users!!

    They probably mean as opposed to whatever generic drivers Windows installs for you. On a related not the Cat 3.7's are out. I know I won't be downloading them, mostly because I'm using an nVidia card :borg: So I'm guessing these are just more half-assed drivers before they release their super...
  13. Lyrids

    MORE good news for ati radeon users!!

    That's the funniest thing I've heard in a while. Does that mean they just half-ass all their other drivers?
  14. Lyrids

    Oxygen, Poisonous?

    Dammit my fault, I meant Nitrogen. Maybe you're right then.
  15. Lyrids

    Oxygen, Poisonous?

    This might be true but I doubt the gas they need is CO2 since there is a larger abundunce of that in our atmosphere than O2.
  16. Lyrids

    Repititive enemy animations

    You do know that was because of issues with the demo registering hits before the animation took place and basically everything else that looked ugly was a place holder. This will either not affect or be fixed by the games release.
  17. Lyrids

    Repititive enemy animations

    I know what you mean, it kind of bothered me too. Although I'd say it's a safe bet that attack animations were probably not on top of Valve's list during that stage of developement, I'm sure AI and making sure the levels worked was. So I'd say they'll have done something about it by now...
  18. Lyrids

    Holy crap!

    Like I said before the joke is on the people who change the names of the files. It's not like their trying to meet a quota for uploads of pirated software, it's just stupid.
  19. Lyrids

    Alcatraz connected to HL2's plot?

    I've been to Alcatraz as well and yes, that looks a lot like it.
  20. Lyrids

    "cool bonus stuff" predictions

    I hope the box is in a collectible tin, I'd lose the or rip the cardboard box for sure.