that would be great...some irate programmer at valve at the last minute before distribution slips in a dialogue change so at the finale of the game all the characters come out of the closet.
I felt the same way when I was pre-loading the earlier-released sections. But now that I've refunded my EBX pre-order and ordered Silver package on Steam it's all good :cheers:
I always hate to be the one who does this, but why on earth did we need a new thread on this? I suppose an exception is in order what with all the excitement, though.
lol really. This must seem so commonplace to them. They've been drafting these things on the drawing board for so long now. They probably just want us to be able to get it all, the faster the better (at this point anyhow).
Well I'll just about jump out the window if it's the engine + all the code needed to run the game. Or the maps. Either way I'll be making a big mistake jumping out the window. No Half-Life 2 for me.
Most games are sub par in terms of originality, especially for a genre like shooters. It's pretty damn difficult to successfully implement new gameplay mechanics that play as good as they look on the drawing board. Which is why I've learned to accept the high points in a shooter and enjoy them...
Hell I didn't get into the HL mod scene until at least a year or two after the game had been in stores. I've played HL mods more than any other game to date. Garsh the memories. TF, CS, Desert Combat (really damn fun), Firearms, and a whole bunch of others.
No no...I didn't mean to imply Halo 2 will have the longer shelf life. Sorry if I gave that impression. If anything Half-Life 2 will trump it in that category above all other things (but we all know it will trump it in every category with the exception of default multiplayer :D ). I really do...
Cause it's going to sell a bazillion trillion more copies than Half-Life 2, that's why. If Vivendi or Valve had the option of releasing it before Halo 2, then they'd be getting a much-needed head start on sales. After all, aren't the majority of a game's copies sold during the first week...