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  1. JNightshade

    Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

    Busking with my friends' band in Harvard Square: Good times.
  2. JNightshade


    I propose a one-week ban for anyone who quotes an entire string of images. Seriously.
  3. JNightshade

    Miscellaneous III: EXTREME Edition

    Lol, nads. Also, RADIOHEAD TONIGHT! It's gonna be f*cking epic :D
  4. JNightshade

    Hawt news anchors

    Leagues above anyone else in this thread. Easily a 9.5, 9.75. Honestly, she's so goddamn attractive D:
  5. JNightshade

    What do You Think Is Th Best Fighting Game of 2008?

    Brawl, but I'm hardly unbiased :p
  6. JNightshade

    Your Best Kill

    Anything involving the magnum.
  7. JNightshade

    The Cheo Incident

    Agreed. Please, make ONE thread for all these or something... it's getting annoying :/
  8. JNightshade

    10 minutes of leaked Dead Space beta footage

    Bah, disagree completely. Ever since RE4 I've loved the over-the-shoulder view. Renders the classic far-away-cam TPS entirely obsolete, IMO.
  9. JNightshade

    The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

    Jeff Buckley - Mama, You've Been On My Mind
  10. JNightshade

    I has a car

    Lol. It's weed. He's hardly freebasing at 70mph on the freeway :|
  11. JNightshade

    Tea or coffee?

    I second that! You were always one of my favowites :(
  12. JNightshade

    What kind of person are you?

    I'd probably rather know, just out of curiosity/narcissism/boredom.
  13. JNightshade

    super slow mo lightning...

    That's so cool/beautiful :o
  14. JNightshade

    Tea or coffee?

    i hate punctuation i disregarded it when i was little and still do so now
  15. JNightshade

    Scariness in games vs scariness in films

    This. For me, what I think it comes down to is that most horror in games just isn't as well-developed as it is in a really good scary movie. That's just my take, though.
  16. JNightshade

    Do You Laugh By Yourself?

    I actually really like laughing by myself. No clue why...
  17. JNightshade

    Yay for!! :/

    Lol, you're right, I guess. I didn't really look that closely.
  18. JNightshade

    Tea or coffee?

    Columbian, black, two sugars. There's just no other way to go.
  19. JNightshade

    The most clever username you've ever heard?

    I used to play BF2 with a guy named Exploding JFK Head. That always gave me lulz. Otherwise... My Little Pwny, Jew Nose (funny because it was my friend, who was very proudly jewish), and BaroqueBach Mountain (another friend, this time a music nerd.)