Yeah not too bad I spose. Good job. The thing is, your name is Box Gear Studios. Are you actually working in a studio? And its a bit pointless in having a team name as you dont have much done yet.
GJ anyway...
Dont believe CMD yet. Just cause he has a pic with some people telling him he can use 'their' models, doesnt mean its real. Look what I did in like two seconds.
Which one is REAL?
Damn, well if you ever get un-busy.... lol
And for the timed turrets, thats a great thought and one I honestly hadnt thought of! Thanks I might consider it! And also, this will be quite different to TFC! ;)
Well dude, making a banner just to make fun of the guys MOD isnt really that great. Hes trying to make a MOD here whats your problem? So he used a couple of pictures that werent his? Its a mod, not some multi-million dollar budget game.
Holy Moly that'd be grand! Im drawing up some Concepts for the weapons and if your still interested Ill give you a look and you can decide whether your still up for it. Most of the weapons arent that complex so it shouldnt be a massive task for someone as professional as you!! Of course all the...