Search results

  1. S

    Opposing Shephard seeking talented concept artists

    Yeah not too bad I spose. Good job. The thing is, your name is Box Gear Studios. Are you actually working in a studio? And its a bit pointless in having a team name as you dont have much done yet. GJ anyway...
  2. S

    Star Wars Mod

  3. S

    Enter the Tribes - still lacking help

    Are you serious? HIS MUM STABBED HIM? AHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry couldnt help it.
  4. S

    Star Wars Mod

    Arild seemed to come at the right time...
  5. S

    Star Wars Mod

    Yes I DO own a legal copy. Dad got it for me like 5 months ago. And I pwned u CMD fag
  6. S

    Some Counter-Strike: Source News…

    Omg no cameras? Lame.
  7. S

    Star Wars Mod

    Dont believe CMD yet. Just cause he has a pic with some people telling him he can use 'their' models, doesnt mean its real. Look what I did in like two seconds. Which one is REAL?
  8. S

    Star Wars Mod

    What is crackhead on about?
  9. S

    Star Wars Mod

    CMD if you have the screenshots post them. COME ON, prove us wrong, if you dont your a stealing cheating ****.
  10. S

    Help develop a next-gen, AAA FPS title

    Id say so. Does the applicant need to be able to model? or just know where to put models n stuff?
  11. S

    Help develop a next-gen, AAA FPS title

    Not a mod. Check out the site it all looks pretty pro stuff to me:
  12. S

    Ford Escort 1979 - wip

    Nice one, I like it!
  13. S

    Star Wars Mod

    See that Super Moderator title under his name? ...
  14. S

    New Mod, Looking for a team.

    Damn, well if you ever get un-busy.... lol And for the timed turrets, thats a great thought and one I honestly hadnt thought of! Thanks I might consider it! And also, this will be quite different to TFC! ;)
  15. S

    Opposing Shephard seeking talented concept artists

    Well dude, making a banner just to make fun of the guys MOD isnt really that great. Hes trying to make a MOD here whats your problem? So he used a couple of pictures that werent his? Its a mod, not some multi-million dollar budget game.
  16. S

    Star Wars Mod

    What he said.
  17. S

    New Mod, Looking for a team.

    Holy Moly that'd be grand! Im drawing up some Concepts for the weapons and if your still interested Ill give you a look and you can decide whether your still up for it. Most of the weapons arent that complex so it shouldnt be a massive task for someone as professional as you!! Of course all the...
  18. S

    Star Wars Mod

    Wow really? Like REALLY REALLY? I thought Id never see you on these forums again.
  19. S

    New Mod, Looking for a team.

    We are still recruiting so if anyone is interested please PM me or reply here.
  20. S

    Star Wars Mod

    is it canon or conan? you keep changing it.