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  1. Cpt Tenacious

    Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

    Just got rank 50, I had to grind the Pikes Basin gang hideout a lot. Started at like 9:00 PM and just finished up (it's like 7:00AM here now.) It took that long starting from rank 32, through if you do it solo you get about 3000 XP everytime.
  2. Cpt Tenacious

    Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

    Does double XP count on doing gang hideouts on free roam? Or is it competitive only?
  3. Cpt Tenacious

    Bioshock: Infinite

    Looks cool.
  4. Cpt Tenacious

    South Asian Superbug

    Man, I came into this thread with the hope that there was a giant bug attacking South Asia.
  5. Cpt Tenacious

    The Killing - AMC

    Sounds like a generic crime drama, The Walking Dead looks very cool though.
  6. Cpt Tenacious

    Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

    I wish more people would play hardcore mode, I can never find a full game. Playing with auto-aim/lockon is so ****ing stupid.
  7. Cpt Tenacious

    Minecraft = Love

    I tried the browser version of this, how do I do anything other than run around and smash shit?
  8. Cpt Tenacious

    Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

    I'll be getting the DLC tomorrow and all upcoming DLC, anyone else?
  9. Cpt Tenacious

    Peter Jackson presents District 9

    District 9 was one of my favorite, if not favorite movie of the last decade, will definitely buy that book.
  10. Cpt Tenacious

    Torchlight 2

    Been kind of meaning to play the first one, will probably buy this.
  11. Cpt Tenacious

    Your 10s!

    Resident Evil 4
  12. Cpt Tenacious

    Fallout New Vegas: Are you IN?

    So are vehicles confirmed or what?
  13. Cpt Tenacious

    Any Turks Over There?

    So that's what it means!
  14. Cpt Tenacious

    Futurama is Back

    The best part was the parody of "In the Year 2525" I was laughing all the way through that,
  15. Cpt Tenacious


  16. Cpt Tenacious

    Oil leak in Michigan River

    That's refreshing.
  17. Cpt Tenacious

    The Avengers Cast Announced

    ****, I love Edward Norton. Well at least it still has RDJ
  18. Cpt Tenacious

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra; it's steampunk

    Holy oh my shit, I seriously cannot wait to see this.
  19. Cpt Tenacious

    Louie (watch it)

    Wasn't this on fox, then got canceled? Then HBO, then got canceled?
  20. Cpt Tenacious

    Portal 2 Gameplay Videos in HD [Updated]

    God, the descriptions for these are hilarious.