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  1. Letters

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    StarCraft II Beta – Patch 16 (version The latest patch notes can always be found on the StarCraft II Beta General Discussion forum. General * Rally points now behave as a move command, instead of an attack move command. * Enabled the ability to manually add a StarCraft...
  2. Letters

    Boycotting Starcraft 2

    How the hell does he talk for 25 minutes about this crap? Yes, chat channels are needed, and Blizzard has said they'll be in at some point. The new identifier system sounds a little funky (random 3 letters or numbers... something like that), but it should work out. The custom games system and...
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    Your recent gaming purchases

    I recently bought Final Fantasy III for the Super Nintendo (slightly used obviously) and have been enjoying it quite a bit. I'd never played it before. It's certainly a breath of "fresh" air after the awful FF13, which I can't bring myself to continue playing.
  4. Letters

    Got my new desk setup

    Not bad, sir! Now we'll need shots a month or two from now to see how it really turns out. :P
  5. Letters

    Thomas Jefferson made "slip" in Declaration

    I read the entire thing this morning since it was in the paper. I dunno if I ever have before. :P I don't see any big deal with this... they had been "subjects" and were just in the process of changing over to being "citizens" of a new country. I bet he smiled when he realized his mistake!
  6. Letters

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    I've still been plugging away at my own creation, though my pace has slowed somewhat. I hope to have a working fight by the time the beta opens up again just to test just how bad the lag is for key press events and some other things. It's possible that it'll be almost unplayable if it's as bad...
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    medicinal mushrooms

    Whenever I accidentally eat a mushroom that sneaked past me on a pizza or sandwich, I want to throw up.
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    There was story in the paper today involving these two videos. The guy that made them works at Best Buy, and they're trying to fire him over these and some older videos of his.
  9. Letters

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    Ooooh, I'll have to watch those! Will seem kinda weird to actually see a normal game again. :P
  10. Letters


    Gooooooood looooord! I would be running... literally, running... to the nearest can of RAID. LOOK HOW BIG THEY ARE! LOOK AT THAT GOD DAMN NEST! Speaking of running, that's what I do. Lots of running.
  11. Letters

    Mandatory games for the cube

    Oh so you make fun of me for liking Gamecube Metroids better and you don't even ****ing have one? Nice.
  12. Letters

    New Legend of Zelda details apparently confirmed

    Twilight Princess and Mario Galaxy 1 were all the motion control I could stand. I just plain hate that stupid shit. I can't even replay those 2 games without getting furious. The Metroid game was "okay" since you just had to point... but even that was worse than the Gamecube controller...
  13. Letters

    Look at this GIF

    I was still thinking about how apples aren't vegetables when the gif mentioned the carrot thing. I guess that makes me the ****ing retarded one, right? Well, fetch me my fruit hat! Where am I going, it's gonna get hungry. So I'll just eat the hat. "Cause it has fruit on it, and I like...
  14. Letters

    Draino + Bottle + Tin Foil = Death

    The things a godsend for drain's man. Pour a little bit in every time you see it start draining kinda slow, and poof, all better! :D
  15. Letters

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    So I've been slaving away at my mod all week, and I have -still- not gotten past getting my basic structure down! I'm getting pretty god damn good with the editor, though, and my list of triggers and variables grows impressive indeed. Check out the UI, though: Yes, I've only...
  16. Letters

    Any other .netters playing League of Legends?

    It means you hardly even get to use the stuff they DO give you. GOD GUYS.
  17. Letters

    Any other .netters playing League of Legends?

    I played a few games with a friend of mine not long ago... didn't care for it. Only having 4 (?) skills to worry about is way too easy so it gets boring really fast. Health and mana pools also seemed frightening low... so much so that it really took away any tactical aspect the game could have.
  18. Letters

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    Anyone else working on something in the editor while the beta is gonna be down? I've spent a huge amount of time in it the past couple days... it's pretty powerful. I'm learning so much that I think I'm actually gonna try to get a decent map done! So far my end-goal is an RPG-type map where...
  19. Letters


    So am I the only one here content to run for the goddam hell of it? All this talk of "goals" and shit makes me sick. I'd never run in an organized race. I just slap on some headphones and away I go for 3-5 miles. I suppose it helps that I'm ****ing awesome at it. If someone passes me...
  20. Letters

    Deus ex 3 new trailer (also delayed till early 2011)

    Sounds like Christian Bale.