I was being dry. I hear several different ship dates a day from websites or magazines.
It's going to ship in the summer.
From: Alex
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 3:28 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Re...
its not only a obervation, its a prediction, what other handguns do u think will be in the game. half-life 1 had the glock and the colt 45(i think it was?,shiny revolver of somesort?) and that was it...
i was noticing in the barricade movie that the combine are using the usp match also..
check the pics
what other pistols do u think will be in the game?
half-life 2.net shouldnt of even mentioned it. right now theres not even a real method of purchase theres a thoery with gabe newell said maybe it would happen like this.
he said this is one possibility, meaning its not an official method...
id advise removing the page..