Search results

  1. Northwood83

    G-Man "Skull" wallpaper.

    Yeah when I got done with it I said the same thing to myself. :cheers:
  2. Northwood83

    Should the G-Man be killable?

    Uhh..Amy from Red Planet? Wow Anyway how can G-Man die with a mug like this? :cool: :cool: :cool:
  3. Northwood83

    G-Man "Skull" wallpaper.

    I got inspired by those pictures from the full E3 trailer where it shows G-Mans face with a skull layed over it. Anyway here it is. Thanks go out to Duds for helping me with the metal texture. Download here
  4. Northwood83

    New Wallpaper- "HL2-Darkside"

    Perhaps less jpg compression? The HL symbol barely shows up through the backround because of it. Your using Hl2.nets bandwith for nothing...Just link to your own damned site.
  5. Northwood83

    Official half-life 2 the movie trailer

    Can we get a ban on these fanta videos? It got old the first time we seen one.
  6. Northwood83

    Can anyone confirm this?

    Its not holes, its just decals like in HL1.
  7. Northwood83

    And now for the truth.

    I did a google search for you AIM name, mr featushead.
  8. Northwood83

    And now for the truth.

    lol..I noticed it too. Heres a link to google's cache of it.
  9. Northwood83

    New Wallpaper featuring "chick with crowbar."

    Why is your whole site in flash?
  10. Northwood83

    Who is the G-Man?

    If im not mistaken BlueShift contains Opposing Force as well so Id definity recommend getting it. Not to mention the high definition model pack :bounce:
  11. Northwood83

    bug in bugbait (no pun intended)

    Actually no it doesnt. A bug comes around the side and kills him. The one going through the bed frame tried 2 or 3 times to hit him and failed. Only until the ones came around the side is when he died. :x
  12. Northwood83

    Tunnels, Traptown and Bugbait 56k downloads! (Triple Release)

    Neither do I but honestly, If it works then the problem is solved. Its only one video file. If you really want to watch it then you should use the Divx player. Im not going to change the way I do these because Ive been encoding movies and other videos like this for 2 years now and I havent...
  13. Northwood83

    Tunnels, Traptown and Bugbait 56k downloads! (Triple Release)

    Have you tried loading it into the divx player that comes with current versions of Divx?
  14. Northwood83

    Tunnels, Traptown and Bugbait 56k downloads! (Triple Release)

    Re: Arrgh!! Sorry your having issues with it, Noone else has reported a problem. What are your system specs? You should try upgrading your divx version to the most current version Have you even downloaded the file? Ive tested it on two systems and there is no sync issues...
  15. Northwood83

    Tunnels, Traptown and Bugbait 56k downloads! (Triple Release)

    Id prefer it if you held off, cause munro is coming back in 1 hour now so it will be up on HL2.nets server then along with all the old ones (with the new watermark). So please wait :cool:
  16. Northwood83

    Tunnels, Traptown and Bugbait 56k downloads! (Triple Release)

    Thanks abom. Hopefully Munro can get online soon so I can give my server a break. It used 3.2 gigs yesterday alone on Tunnels and Traptown.
  17. Northwood83

    General discussion = 1337

    Wow, I feel honored. My Bugbait thread pushed it to 1337!111 :cheers:
  18. Northwood83

    Tunnels, Traptown and Bugbait 56k downloads! (Triple Release)

    Why wait two days? AvengR quit advertising your site please.
  19. Northwood83

    Tunnels, Traptown and Bugbait 56k downloads! (Triple Release)

    Ill have bugbait up soon, Munro went to work and wont be home for 2 more hours so Ill use my webspace.
  20. Northwood83

    Tunnels, Traptown and Bugbait 56k downloads! (Triple Release)

    Sorry, I cant host them anywhere else. Munro and I have an agreement for them to be exclusives from now on. :cool: