Maybe valve saw that there wasn't enough anticipation for the game yet, so they released a delay email, and then on the 30th they will release the game to everyones surprise!
Man....if only the game industry were as big as the music or movie industry. We could just turn on the tele right now and they would be interviewing Gabe....
Yeah, so I'm in college, and last night I couldn't get any sleep because I kept having this nightmare. The dream was that I went into my linear algebra class and the teacher gave out a test that I had no clue I had. So this morning I go into my linear algebra class thinking everything is good...
I don't think we can really answer this question till the game comes out....Although I expect this will be true, since this is what creates a truly emersive game.
I'm still not too sure about buying the full game off steam. Its just the heavy reliance on the internet that gets me. If get a new computer and don't have internet, that means no HL2 till I get internet :-(. That would probably never happen to me, but its just little things like that, that made...
Gamespy's article goes over gordons life as a child, etc. I just started reading it, but it seams pretty funny. And at least Gamespy thinks HL2 will be out soon....
LOL thats great. I hope valve doesn't have a problem with that, but hey, you make the AI smart enough and you never know what it will do. Nah, I think the only thing they are really working on now is Steam. They don't want to release HL2 until they are sure steam can handle the stress, and I...
Well I'm not seeing the XT at any online vendors, so it appears like anandtech was probably jumping the gun a bit. They were mentioning their NDA so maybe the XT is going to be announced very soon.