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  1. XtAkm4p

    Kudos to Valve for the delay......the game will only be better.

    id love to see wat the conspiracy theorist from the phl delay movies would say about this....
  2. XtAkm4p

    Update: Techdemo Easter Egg hunt.

    man.... still no reply as to whether or not he put my (old)avatar in.... i was thinkin of maybe sending a bigger one so it wont be too pixelated... o well lets just leave him alone. he only has 90 minutes left
  3. XtAkm4p

    Kudos to Valve for the delay......the game will only be better.

    yes. keep these threads coming, general public! halo? hmmm... iono, wouldnt hold my breath for it.
  4. XtAkm4p

    tech demo map?

    dude... adam's gonna release the map at 1:30 eastern time. look down
  5. XtAkm4p

    tech demo map?

    oh no u didnt....
  6. XtAkm4p

    Top Ten Reasons for HL2 Delay [Humor]

    you do know that theres a caps lock key right. use it if u wanna spam corectly
  7. XtAkm4p

    Truth and Reconciliation

    just thought of this... <dreamworld>wat if the valve dudes are crammin so hard to finish by 930 that they arent saying anything</dreamworld>
  8. XtAkm4p

    Matrix Revolutions and Max Payne 2 videos

    hmmm the matrix ones are pretty cool, but show the same footage. the max payne ones own, especially the first one (or maybe thats just cuz its the first one i saw) the last clip tho i didnt like... the voice acting is subpar compared to max payne 1 and mp1's style.... iono clip5 lacks oomph
  9. XtAkm4p

    Redsox win wildcard

    bow down to rugby. now.
  10. XtAkm4p

    half life

    not until they tweak the tweaks they made to the hl enging
  11. XtAkm4p

    Redsox win wildcard

    its all about teh soccerz0rz
  12. XtAkm4p

    Death of a mod

    whoa--wait... huh? gj dude edit: they DID make NS SP... it was called AVP2
  13. XtAkm4p

    The next DoD ideas.

    i always thought "Day of Defeat" was sumthin in ww2 so, no.
  14. XtAkm4p

    Redsox win wildcard

    niiiiice too bad i hate baseball
  15. XtAkm4p

    Bread appreciation thread

    yes.... three wooteh's for bread wooteh wooteh wooteh
  16. XtAkm4p

    Matrix Revolutions and Max Payne 2 videos

    bit torrenting them now
  17. XtAkm4p

    Kill Bill Review

    yea i loved that part
  18. XtAkm4p

    Screen shot of your desktop

    nice (blank) desktop, Subz
  19. XtAkm4p

    [Humour] New Half Life 2 Announcement from Valve!

    do NOT i mean, do NOT post shit like that without a warning/disclaimer i nthe title
  20. XtAkm4p

    Top Ten Reasons for HL2 Delay [Humor]

    141. During the burning of the gold disc, GN drops a gob of jeylly donut thru the topside fan of the tower's case. The cd drive spontenously opens before the cd stops spinning and the cd tray completely annihalates the cd. Meanwhile the gob of jelly donut corrupts the GN's DDR, destroying the...