nah because like I found a store I want it says the price beside it, then I click info then I click the site then I have to go find the product and its a diff price than what it said it was going to be on pricewatch where the price was on the same line as the webpage
yea I dont like that site though because some of the sites that posts stuff or whatever make up prices.. like it says 200 and u go there an its 350 or something
from what I read halflife2 is a directx9 game.. they made it specifically for a dx9 card ( which the new ati cards are ) the new nvidia cards should also be those but they are piece of shits so they dont run good on it so you would have to run it in dx8 for ok performance.. an I own a nvidia...
they could of made bullet time like a powerup, and when u get it everyone in the area is slowed down ( inculding bullets ) but you are able to move at regular speed.. practically the same thing
"Do I have to be connected to the Internet when I play Steam games? "
he is trying to say does he have to be online to play a steam game... he is not asking does he have to be on steam to play an online game...2 different things