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  1. BlumenKohl

    Deus Ex: Invisible War Demo on the 20th

    Funny, maybe you just don't have a thing for stealth. ;) But anyways there are weapon mods that silence your weapon and supress muzzle flash. :)
  2. BlumenKohl

    Deus Ex: Invisible War Demo on the 20th

    27 High-quality screenshots from the demo. Enjoy
  3. BlumenKohl

    Why didn't valve design half-life 2 to have stencil shadows?

    Yes you're confused, and have the wrong idea, and in the process you've baffled us all.
  4. BlumenKohl

    Your favorite Logo.

    Chat, skins, etc. are all factors. Not patches. ;)
  5. BlumenKohl

    Your favorite Logo.

    <----------------- That.
  6. BlumenKohl

    Comments on this statement.

    You know you whiners are going to say "Oh it was worth the wait after all." So just stop whining now.
  7. BlumenKohl

    Warren Spector doesn't think we'll see HL2 this fall

    Who cares if it's off topic? The only on-topic posts in this forum are titled: Is it Delayed? It's Delayed? I called my EB Games... Amazon Says It's Not Delayed 2004? I think it's coming 2003. Stop with the delay posts! Valve must speak! Inquirer said that! need I go on?
  8. BlumenKohl

    How come 9800 xt is less expensive than 9800 pro ??

    Just overclock your 9800 Pro, and add a thermal sensor, and you'll have a home made XT.
  9. BlumenKohl

    Warren Spector doesn't think we'll see HL2 this fall

    I admit it, something that you see through out the entire game should look better...:cool:
  10. BlumenKohl

    Warren Spector doesn't think we'll see HL2 this fall

    If you seriously think how visuals are treated tells you about the game...well I don't know what your glitch is, but there is one. Original Deus Ex didn't look great comparison to the games out in 2000....but it sacked every other game and beat the sacks to death when it came to...
  11. BlumenKohl

    Warren Spector doesn't think we'll see HL2 this fall

    I don't think they'd release it Winter 2003....that's what...5 days before Christmas? ;) Oh and HL1 was released on Nov 11...or 13...something around that.
  12. BlumenKohl

    Steam update...."trickle update" added

    There's your bug list. Bugs: 5,584,282 + 1 Steam: 0
  13. BlumenKohl

    Hl2 or Max Payne 2 movie ??

    Neither. I think game stories would best work out as TV mini-series...think about how much story you can fit into that, vs. a 2 hour movie. But neither had cinematic quality storylines to really work in a movie. I'd personally say Deus Ex The Conspiracy has the best story of any game I've...
  14. BlumenKohl

    Whats a good program for monitering mobo and cpu temperature in ur comp?

    False. Just about every Intel motherboard (which most computers Dell, Gateway, HP ship use) have case and CPU sensor chips. Except for TC430 HX, Atlanta LX,CA810. Unless you have old computers from the companies above, you're probably armed with a sensor chip. :dork:
  15. BlumenKohl

    Max Payne 2 (yes another thread) shortest game ever?

    In reply to original author: You haven't played Elite Force have you? 4 hours. ;)
  16. BlumenKohl

    new video of hl2...well kinda

    They have the cleanest city in the world.
  17. BlumenKohl

    The biggest potential problem due to HL2 leak.

    You saw how many idiots believed the hacker when he said the beta is all that Valve has? Those same idiots will now think that, that is the state of the game, and that's how it'll ship, and they won't buy it because the graphics aren't great. Unfortunately, there are enough idiots in this...
  18. BlumenKohl

    Why Lamespy should FIRE Fragmaster !

    You win the award for the most biased, factless, untruthful, completely opinionated, overly-exaggerated post in the galaxy. Congratulations! The Iraqi-Information Minister would be proud. If you are such a mature person, why must you rely on petty name calling to get your point across...
  19. BlumenKohl

    Why Lamespy should FIRE Fragmaster !

    Oh and, the title for having the best PoTD ever goes to HL files. ;)
  20. BlumenKohl

    Why Lamespy should FIRE Fragmaster !

    1. You're psychic 2. Hey I didn't say it was's smart. lol.