Let me introduce you to a MOD me and iko0n are brainstorming about. We have both seen the E3 movies of Half-Life 2 and are both impressed by the incredible features this game has to offer.
This been said we would like to give you a small sketch of our dedkopf mod. It's not...
damn u :p you stole the dedkopf idea :p
It'll be very simmilar to the mod :s But it has some small additions and we might change our concept a bit ...
I think it's already included in the full game .. knowing valve they'll show off with their new engine by including voice communication ... I saw the movie from the GMan and I think it was generated on the fly so ... And in HL now .. the succes of voice communication is SO huge they'll HAVE to...
i'd say your a freak :p ... They are nice though but your credits are WAY TOO big and the is usually badly placed and such ... nice though ..
I think Splinter Cell is the best example for that :p
I do believe HL2 has dynamic lighting .. if not it's not such a big deal since it already has dynamic shadows and the lighting is hardly needed at all ... It's just more stuff to render for your PC.
That would be sweet :) ... but I just hope they don't make it too easy since then there would be a million mods and mostly crap .. It would be cool if you don't need to know c++ but a nice third generation language would be naais :p