divx didnt work, any idea where I could get this "codec" you speak of, and I reinstalled quicktime directly from apple. No luck, but I appreciate the help
How bout theres a bunch of people in a night club, or a public place, or whatever, and everyone looks the same. Theres also npcs filling the area. The only way to tell who your supposed to kill is if they pull a gun. what do you think
As the title dictates, Tell me who is the Best Musician Of all time.
To me its a toss up between Bruce Springsteen and Bob Marley.
If you say tupac ill kill you
So I saw the ending thx to my asshole friend and saw mona die and shit, but I Hear rumours of a super secret SECOND Ending. Also, that asshole wouldnt let me play, but I have a gameplay question. In the original you could fire the 9 mms just by holding down the trigger, even tho it was "semi...
I realize this is unrelated, but I have a test tomorrow and I really need some answers. If the mods could just let this last about 25 minutes that'd be awesome
Alright, Can one of you guys tell me what the Augsberg Confession was?