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  1. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    What's about Gordon in a Coma?

    If its 10 years old, and gordan was kinda old in hl, wont he be all =\ in hl2?
  2. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Half-Life 2 Staff Needed for Proving Grounds Ladders

    I want to use that buggy and run people over in hl2.
  3. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Saw someone today wearing a Half-Life 2 t-shirt

    You telling me all the vale crew is in tokyo? Quick! go steal some stuff from valve HQ.
  4. .5c0ut-WHoR3.


    Only if it is scripted to do.
  5. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    ending to opposing force

    Then shepard comes but in hl2opforce2 :D
  6. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Half-Life 2 Daily Victim

  7. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    was the delay a blessing in disguise?

    Maybe if it did come out with a lot of bugs, so many bugs that it couldn't connect with steam and they made it steam is the only way to download updates. And sp for some reason needed to be connected with steam. (even first time you play it) I would be in a world of hurt.
  8. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    New Half-Life 2 release date

    Hmm, october 30th is better than mid november.
  9. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    When do you think HL2 will be shipped?

    Id rather mid-late october
  10. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    For future reference, Valve

    How could you not know 1 month before the game is meant to be released?! taking another 2 months to fix or whatever.
  11. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    When do you think HL2 will be shipped?

    Wtf is febtober? and its already past that date.
  12. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Email From Doug L to me

  13. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    2 questions

    Gabe is on his way to tokyo.
  14. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Aren't we forgetting about the ATI deal?

    Hmm i got $150, i might save for it. I want max graphics, and i dont think my GF2pro 64meg will cut it.
  15. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Aren't we forgetting about the ATI deal?

    How much will the card cost though?
  16. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Half-Life 2 WILL be available on the 30th (or my mother's a "headcrab")

    Ok. I reckon someone has hacked the valve building bringing down all power and communication, and someone hacked that account sending an email to most hl2 fansites. And while we are panicing valve hq is trying to get their power back up?
  17. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Place your bets! (on the reason for delay)

    He is actually right.
  18. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    I've just realised something

    I want to play this game so bad i would kill for it!
  19. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Half-Life 2 Release Pushed Back

    Man, NOOOOO!!!!11
  20. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    hl2 Pushed back..

    Bleh, ive totally lost what we are on now. ill check back later.