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  1. A

    Level of gore

    Question: Since when did a grenade exploding at someones feet turn their entire body into nothing but a large pool of blood, bones, and a couple random organs with a spinning skull completly devoid of any organs or skin to boot? If thats the kind of gibbing you want in Half-Life 2, then your...
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    Why didn't valve design half-life 2 to have stencil shadows?

    Using static light maps for an object that will never ever move is smart, and lets off some load on the cpu. What point is there in making a indestructable, unmoveable, unalterable wall take advantage of real time shadow calculations as if it was going anywhere? Come on think for once...
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    animated decals

    Or better yet, just have an option in the settings that disables the users ability to view animated decals if they find some of it offending or otherwise not to their approval. Infact, this already exists. r_decals 0 console command will do this for you. r_decals 300 is the default in...
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    Funniest what-Iwould-do-if-HL2-didnt-work

    Sounds like an average day in the game Postal 2.
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    Live weather effects in Half-Life 2

    I don't think HL2 supports night 2 day transitions.
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    It would be good for a marble maddess type of HL2 mod I guess.
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    animated decals

    Hello. Im the person who made the discovery on how to create animated decals. They worked in all HL mods, not just CS. I published my tutorial to which is still there to this day. Valve has since disabled animated logos from working due to noob CS players...
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    That kind of vector would work in the simplest of cases, but in real application you would need the think function to take into consideration the current location of the projectile. If the projectile is fired from upside down gravity, into normal gravity, your formula would not work. Especialy...
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    FYI: Info obtained from an illegal beta is of no concern to me, and is subject to change in the near future.
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    No. You have as a mapper, control over some aspecs of gravity. But I have yet to hear of anything beyond the kind of control we already have with gravity in HL1. I doubt HL2 supports turning your FOV around properly as you start walking sideways because of gravity being turned 90 degrees. Let...
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    something to hold you over

    I played this game already. Its pretty fun, but they have some issues they need to work out. For instance the pregame start lag is a real pain. Especialy since you can't disconnect or do anything for that matter whenever there is lag. And if you have to go for some reason, once you leave from...
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    How much amount longer please?

    It was not for the reason to be there yet we all seen it in the end. Perhaps we should try the last reaction before to dismiss only everything if they might allow. Lets hope so not to begin.
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    Other titles with real time lighting?

    Alot I can say about your whole post, but I need some rest, so heres the most important mistake you made. FYI: The Source engine is not a very hard modified Q1/Q2 engine. It is a completely new engine built from scratch, and combined with a heavily modified Havok physics engine. Even so...
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    Other titles with real time lighting?

    You guys need to learn what real time lighting actualy is in a game before listing the games you believe contains it. It's really a matter of which games take advantage of the graphic cards Transform and Lighting (T&L) pipeline. By this definition there are hundreds of games old and new that use...
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    Its funny because its true

    Why don't you just email him and find out for yourself? Does talking about Gabe even constitute as a Half-Life 2 discussion?
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    That "OMFG" feeling Personaly my jaw dropped when I heard HL2 was in the making. It has yet to raise back to normal position. It stayed dropped when I heard the game was 5 years in the making. It stayed when I seen the videos, when I read the articles, when...
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    Funniest what-Iwould-do-if-HL2-didnt-work

    I would fix it.
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    Half-Life 2 shown on national TV!!!!

    Report this to [email protected] Flaming won't solve anything.
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    Warren Spector doesn't think we'll see HL2 this fall

    I don't see how a delay with Half-Life 2 or Doom III would create any kind of increase in how much Deux Ex: Invisible War would stands out. Infact logicaly it would seem as if having the game released at the same time or atleast near the same time as HL2 and Doom III would give it the chance to...
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    some scairy stuff

    What does this have to do with Half-Life 2?