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  1. Echelon

    Sun Microsystems... I'm really begining to like them.

    i think it aims for companys and commercial applications for companys. it bases on linux, so it still aint a good base for games. but it's a beginning. i hate having to pay like 100-200 bucks for a unstable pos (win95-me) or os which give ms more control over my pc than to me. (longhorn?)
  2. Echelon


    i've got a gas driven walther cp99 it has cal .177 lead pellets which are driven by 12g CO² :D. also it doesnt have such a stupid red mark painted on its noozle, many ppl here think it's real since they have no idea of the difference between them. i can shoot a hole into 2 cans which...
  3. Echelon

    L34rn teh C++ Lesson 7

    no more tutorials so far?
  4. Echelon

    What Is Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink

    ouzo..plain ouzo, but good one ;)
  5. Echelon

    Fake hl2 leak....

    y should we download a leaked beta, if the game (hopefully) will be released in 10 days? ;). y should anyone have to buy a new pc if it has got some viruses?
  6. Echelon

    OO or Procedural Programming?

    both..i like c++ for more complex programs but batch files can be powerful ,too ;) at least if you consider them as Procedural P.
  7. Echelon

    Spamming thru windows exploit!!!

    it aint an exploit but a simple messenger service. and it's old the solution is
  8. Echelon

    nice and free C/C++ Complier

    aahhhh...waaarezzz ..go away submerge ;)
  9. Echelon

    L34rn teh C++ Lesson 7

    he also can use #include <iostream.h> ;) the <> tell the compiler that the header file is one of the "official" (?) header files, not one written on your own. so it looks into another folder. but the namespace thingy is also cool, i use it, too.
  10. Echelon

    Will you Pay monthly to play HL2 mods?

    damn rumors..anyway..if you really like cs or other mods you really will like to pay a price for it since it keeps many imature smacktards away. if it goes under this subscription thingy, which no one really knows whether it's true, anyways, on the other hand..there will be room for new mods...
  11. Echelon

    Grrrr im allready starting to hate HL2!!!!

    what's wrong with selling a "smaller" version which can't play mods for less money? programs are already sold this way (vc++ enterprise, professional, book edition..or windooze xp for example and no one is complaining) and if you want to play mods than you simply pay a price as high as it...
  12. Echelon


    c++ aint a programm but a language for coding programs ;). there are several developer environments for it like vc++ and borland. take nfs:unleashed for example or half life. theyre coded in c++.
  13. Echelon

    Access to HL2 content

    look at steam more close. every game i dled with it (hl, cs, etc) can be accessed like the cd version. don't know exactly what the cache file is for.
  14. Echelon

    L34rn teh C++ Lesson 7

    /me is waiting for lesson 8 ;). hope you'll be back soon for teaching us cool things. i honestly never understood why to use pointers. but altering variables in functions which are out of focus is a nice thing :D
  15. Echelon

    preorder or take a bus ride? says it'll ship april 2004 O_o
  16. Echelon

    hammer, urrrrrrr sure.....

    if you expect some help, describe your pc ;) os, cpu, mobo etc..
  17. Echelon

    L34rn teh C++ Lesson 7

    once again..the limit. i spotted an mistake in the array. you have defined the array: an_array[3] but you use: array[1] = ... <edit> spaaaammmmm, why can't i delete messages within the 15 minutes time limit?</edit>
  18. Echelon

    L34rn teh C++ Lesson 7

    once again..the limit. i spotted an mistake in the array. you have defined the array: an_array[3] but you use: array[1] = ...
  19. Echelon

    L34rn teh C++ Lesson 7

    i just got the concept of pointers and used them in differnet functions, thx cunbelin ;) .. let'S go for lesson 7 :D sry for double post: stupid limit.
  20. Echelon

    L34rn teh C++ Lesson 7

    nice tutorial ;) although im still working on lesson 6..trying to understand the concept. do you mind if i put your tutorials on my homepage as soon as hl2 comes out? you get the credit, of course. i'm looking forward for the preprocessor directives ;)