speaking of "occupied land" when is the US going to give back the occupied land it has? more specifiaclly how about YOU?
since i am cherokee you could give me YOUR land and house that is "occupied", and if your not willing to do this why should anyone else be?
just think of the...
and i suppose thouse dead men and women got their wounds from what? air?
the simple truth is if american troops had done this the the press would run the footage night and day, protestors would be out in the streets, and there would be hell to pay! you know it, i know it...we basically all...
of course people all hot to make the US look bad do not mention the fact that a common tactic the US soldiers are encountering is terrorists playing dead, then jumping up and shooting soldiers.
i have seen the film, when the soldier is saying "he's playing dead" you can hear the ALARM in his...
that's an amazing amount of bull**** in one sentence there hasan.
1. valid historical fact: there has never...EVER been a nation called "palestine"...EVER
2. valid historical fact: the region of palestine got it's name in 135AD when the roman emperor got sick of the jews revolting all the...
i just gave a very plausible reason why it would look like that,(although he could simply have gotten her after he was done with gordon) and i dont think the g-man would just let talent like that go to waste.
if you have not finished the game do not read any further :)
IMHO the gman did not "stop' time...exactly...
remember the week long teleport with gordon and alex and teh corresponding conversationa bout it with kleiner? i think what happened was along those lines, the only diffrence was...
why is everyone so hung up on this "test" idea? the words "you have proved yourself" and "proved yourself again" are an idiomatic expression for "you have done a really good/great job" especially int eh context the gman used that expression in.
i have an an a64 3000+/k8n neo 2 plat 1gb crucial ram 6800GT(66.93 drivers)
i have tried switching ram sticks, changing vid/mobo driver, nothing is working.
i DLed on steam 2 days ago, so ti is not old files....
i have about 15 other games on this system an they all work including...
i do not have to be at work until 10am, so as soon as i get home i am going to bed, getting up at 1:45am(CST) start playing HL2 at 2 until time to gogot work and play all day wedensday since i am off work.