your best bet for overclocking is getting a stepping B processor, OR one of the stepping A barton cores that have the blue tint, i have a xp2500(1.8 GhZ) than runs great sub 100F at 2.2 rock solid stable, as far as cooling goes all i am using is a copper cooler by manhattan, with some good case...
i do not intend this to be a"flame" but you should not believe everything you hear(or read).
use some common sense dude, optimizations written for games will also make benchmarks that run on the same engine perform better too, such as ut2003, Q3, doom3..etc..etc... the benchmarks the games...
guess what? optimizations for various games are written into every new driver release nvidia and ATI put out(that is after all most of the point in making a new driver...) so an optimization that makes the q3 or doom benchmark run faster will also make the GAME run faster as...
yes, the machine was built with the 9800pro so no previous drivers were interfering, then we tried the 5900u afterwards after we got it in stock.
(in most cases)i blame the card, more specifically i blame the driver. if the game is really old that might be suspect, i am running a ti4400...
surely your not referring to ATI writing optimizatons....surely not! we all know ATI, (that icon of never-do-wrongness) would NEVER do such a thing!! ;)
as far as the hostility goes, most of it is from people who still cannot deal with the fact 3dfx got hosed by now aTI is thier...
i see the ati crowd are still bitching and whgining and complaining. well i deal in FACTS. and the FACT is i took a 9800 pro and a 5900 ultra and put them on the same machine and the 5900 won hands down. you see there is this thing many people try to deny, it is called REALITY, and the simple...
AMD XP2000+ stepping B @ 2170MhZ
512 megs PC2700 in Dual channel mode
GF4 TI4400 (soon to be a 5900)
19" monitor
Logitech Z560 speakers
MS kbd/mouse
SH: that is often times true, but i have to wonder, if a certain motherboard works with most vid cards except one or two, is it really the mobo makers fault? i have "measured all the factors involved" by actually working with a wide assortment of different cards by different makers, and the...
SH: true, it is not a "huge" amount but it is 3 times as many nvidia based cards that were RMA'ed. ;)
the big issue is people that buy cards that expect to put them in their comp, install the drivers and have them work with no hassle, if they could write a driver that was not broken, i would...
a good upgrade would be the video card(for now) HL2 will not be out til september, and cpu prices will drop alot from then til now. in fact i would even wait til then on the vid card. since the 5900 will come in 3 flavors and all should be readily available by then, buy the 128 meg 5900 instead...
i have had good luck with my stepping b xp2000+
right now i have it booting up @ 2170 mhz and it is rock solid stable with normal air cooling with my voltage at 1.625 volts(defualt is 1.6V) this CPU has alot more potential being a batch 0001, with water cooling and unlocking the multiplier i...
it is always entertaining to watch the ati crowd whine, at work i get to tinker with both cards, and as a computer and computer part seller i have to take a different perpective than most do:
most of my customers are not computer geeks, they want to simply plug things in and have them...