The latest is Gabe said only part of the source code was leaked. And he also said they are still on track. Business as normal.
That doesn't sound like a delay to me...
Well I've been a moderator for a day. I live in Australia as well as Overdrive.
So basically the different timezones works out in our favour because the forums are petrolled quite well 24/7. I'm a huge lurk so since I've just started I'll be putting in plenty of time to look after this forum...
Well you know. Bit of butt kissing all that stuff. You know how it goes.
Just kidding. I've had previous work in gaming sites in the past. And some mod work too. Back in the day of Tribes/Tribes 2 were my fav games. ;)
Since I know pretty much nothing about graphics a new user named HellCoW helped me out and created a avatar and sig for me.
My avatar is kinda cute but creepy at the same time. Oh and Kamakiri means praying mantis in japanese.
So be nice to HellCoW peoples... :P
Yep I'm starting to put a end to all the source code discussions on the forum.
We as the community are meant to be helping Valve. But in the past few days it seems as though some people on this forum know more about the source than Valve do themselves. That is not a good thing. Especially...
Yes we should be helping Valve instead of posting links on how to compile/binaries etc etc.
My personal opinion is to wait for HL2. Having and playing around with the source is illegal.
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