Mitoboy here once again to send a topic to hell.
Everything you need to know is in the link.
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AOL vs Satan
Winner: AOL (Surprising, eh?)
I spoke with my friend today, we are both fond of playing CS, but something has stopped my friend from doing so.
My friend Rob can only play 12 of the 32 CS maps he has. Including Dust, Millitia, etc.
He gets an error, something about "Bad surface extents" and it doesn't load the map...
Maybe you should lay down all the facts for us. It seems that your giving us all a little at a time.
What is the distance of your class to the phone?
How many steps are there?
How far away is your class to the stairs?
How far away are the stairs to the phone?
Get the drift?
Would you believe me if I said that they make thongs for 10 year olds?
Also, the already have Laungera (How the heck you spell it?) Barbie dolls. I remember them being advertised on Valentines day.
My real question is...
"If they do make a third Max Payne, what ending will they use?"
Also, I am still waiting for that flim. You do know that they are supposed to be making a movie, right? Go look in the first game's intrunction manual.
Huh? What? What is this "baseball", "football", "Soccer", "rugby", "etc..." you speak of?
But seriously, unless someone had bets on I don't know why people get so upset over a team winning/losing. It confuses me. Mainly the way people act about football (American).
/me has to listin to...
Ahh, such simple answers to such simple problems.
HEs work pretty well, since they can't run that fast.
P90's I think are armor pearcing. I think they go through... at least they did when used on me.
FiveseveN has same effect, but it sucks too much.
Might be mistaken by the armor...
Now, this has nothing to do with the actual game. This has to do with loading.
I seem to be unable to play Part 1 Chapter 7. It begins to load, but then soon it stops and the game crashes. Sometimes it will come with no reason, others it will come with two windows.
First window...