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  1. eddie500

    Normal map testing

    i know that XSI is really cool and it has a list of features longer than my arm, but why does hardly anyone use it? (apart from valve :p) i mean i've just been looking around the cgtalk forums and i have yet to find one model on there done with XSI? :| I really wanna get into it but it looks...
  2. eddie500

    Normal map testing

    lol @ softmonkey, scary scary dino :p (on the vid btw) thats a v.nice tut :bounce: might have to have a look at XSI again :D
  3. eddie500

    ak-47 skinned

    And also 1 with a light background so we can see it better :D
  4. eddie500

    Normal map testing

    yeah, looks cool tho will look even better close up :D
  5. eddie500

    P99c - PP7

    overall i think its a good model and well made, good job!
  6. eddie500

    Low Poly RPG7

    hmmm handles are same size as the referance image.. here it is. (i think its form sof2 lol but it's the only half decent side on one i could fine) btw /me thinks your a lazy bugger :p
  7. eddie500

    Low Poly RPG7

    yea sry for the crappy render, heres a close up and a wireframe :D
  8. eddie500

    Low Poly RPG7

    hi all, thought i'd post this i tried to keep the polycount as low as possible, it turned out to be only 800 polys :D anyway let me know what you think.
  9. eddie500

    Mindless Moder inspired gun

    nice work mate :thumbs:
  10. eddie500

    CS:S Skinning

    @slap: bah lol 0wned. ;( @maggotcorpse: VTEX is used to convert vtf 2 tga, (VTF being valve texture format and is the format all the textures are in) and as pimurho said i don't think you can skin yet.
  11. eddie500

    Rivals OCR: PKM final

    nice render :)
  12. eddie500

    CS:S Skinning

    try reading the post b4 opening that big mouth of yours, he states hes saved for PS not CS, god they are the first few words i bet you didn't even read it.
  13. eddie500


    great first model, congrats.
  14. eddie500

    Rivals OCR: PKM final

    looks 400% better than the first post :D hehe, nice work. Great job. :afro:
  15. eddie500

    ak- something (not quite sure)

    looks like you are missing alot of detail around the grip area, but looking good.
  16. eddie500

    Rivals OCR: PKM final

    agreed, but is looking pretty nice.
  17. eddie500

    No skins? No hands?

    rofl some1's in a good mood :D
  18. eddie500

    Ingram MacM11

    can we have a light background pls :)
  19. eddie500

    The low poly gun project-WIP

    erm looking good so far... the only thing i'd say is that maybe the silencer is a tad to large? and have u uvw'd the silencer on its own..?
  20. eddie500

    Glock-17 WIP

    that holes getting bigger and bigger, i'd shut up if i was you.