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  1. V

    Awesome :D

    From the interview with gabe newell: Could you inform us of what the maximum "acceptable" polygons is for both levels and models? That's really an art and design issue more than a technical issue. From that answer i will belive that the source engine has no polygon limit, only the video...
  2. V


    I just had to make a simple 3d render with that image =) I edited the image and made a bump of it.. I'm no 3d guy, and the bumpmap is pretty simple.. sorry for the high res images, but i feel that it was the right size to render =) (i will be playing hl2 in 1600x1200 :p) Edited image...
  3. V

    Awesome :D

    I would just say that hl2 suppoert 2k x 2k textures. (2048 x 2048 pixel) it support a new texture system\pack.. where mappers can include their own into the map file. I hope the new textures are jpg or some multilayer textures that can be made in photoshop. The max polygones...