I still wouldn't trust it, my friends daughter ordered the Harry Potter book with gauranteed release delivery. Didn't show until the following Monday, the guarantee only payed back the postage aswell.
Chrome was pretty bad from the demo, also seemed to be carrying alot of unneeded code. Didn't the text from the first loading screen put you off.
I Quote "Bolt Logan must travel with his partner to the planet Zorg"
They must be taking the piss. Planet Zorg.... Ha Ha Ha
get off your arse and walk to a shop, then you can choose which version and maybe which box design you want? this way you won't then moan that you didn't get the right one or too late. Next you'll tell us that you pre-ordered an Nvidia card. Be patient, do your research and then buy it when you...
I heard that gearbox (they did the conversion) joked about making the Library level even longer as a bonus to the PC Version. Now that would really suck!!!
actually the games was supposed to come out on the Mac first before being bought by microsoft. Apple used it and Doom3 to show off there G4s with Radeon 9700's
thats why its good marketing, they've looked at their position in the market and maximised it with zero expenditure. brilliant.
Do you guys know how much magazine advertising cost. When we advertise (I work in this field) even in the shit publication you can pay from £2500 - £12000 for one...
read what we've been discussing before you moan. We love my PC....for games. I just like something a little more reliable when it comes to working. Another PC user who has never used a Mac or OS X but feels qualified to have an opion. I have both and given the choice I'd have OS X on the PC...
I have played a game with the scale of Chaser, even HL doesn't have the scale of chaser. by scale i mean grandur and size. Its epic and when you've finished it, you'll know what i mean.
People please speak up if you've played it, needs more recommendations
I completely agree, i was discussing this the other day with someone. I work in marketing and its sheer brilliance. It hasn't cost them a penny and everyones talking about it. I bet the whole thing was wrapped up a month ago and all this stuff is just marketing hype. We're all hooked wondering...