Mirror to the best HL2 videos so far:
(use passive mode)
The gamespy 530 MB video contains everything at good quality including commentary.
Huh? I have a 100 % commercial ISP and they pulled ethernet into my apartment, I pay 295 SEK / month, that's about $35 per month for 10 mbit.
Also, I have a phone service via that ethernet cable, they put a Cisco Voice over IP box in my apartment that I plug my phone line into. Cheaper than...
Thanks, 998.9 kB/s! :-)
d/l time: 29 seconds :cheers:
But duh, this footage was not exclusive or anything, it's the last 3 parts of the E3 video stuff. The 600 MB file was same thing.
At the end of the opening scenes, you will be in/near City 17. However, I suspect you will start somewhere totally elsewhere, like Arizona or Alcatraz or somewhere closer to where HL1 ended. The opening will explains what has happened and bring you to the City 17 starting point somehow.
Oh, that's a naive view. PC games are advertised in direct mail, on TV, on posters in stores, in loads of magazines, mainly computer magazines. Half-Life 2 is one of the biggest games launches in history, why on earth wouldn't they do TV commercials?
I move the wasd to arrow keys. I have jump on right shift, crouch on right ctrl. I have reload on Delete above arrows, End and PgDn are the two grens (TFC) one gren one cycle last used weapon (CS), Home and PgUp are prev/next weapon. Enter is Use item. Num pad Ins is a prime grenade script (TFC)...
Who said they won't release it on Steam the very first day? Steam goes live on Wednesday. If you currently do NOT own a copy of HL, you will not be able to play HL over Steam from Wednesday. You will then have to subscribe to Steam to play. When you subscribe for $9.95 a month you get ALL games...
He stated the 3 movies will come right after Steam goes up on Wednesday.
Besides that, since when did a game, developed during 4 years, get dependant upon 3 demo movies already seen by everyone from the Gamespy video? Gabe Newell goes up to Sierra and says "We can't launch HL2 yet, it seems...
How about every time you think of a hooker, spend the money on another copy of HL2. More money to Valve, you might even make Guiness book of World Records as the person with most HL2 copies in the world!
The 532 MB video is the best quality video, apart from the Bink videos, it has comments from the demo.
All videos available
You must use Passive Mode ftp, it's behind a firewall.
gamespy_half_life_2_full.mov 532036 KB 2003-05-17 06:15:00
hl2-barricade.exe 126183 KB...
It's a really bad idea. The Copyright for this video will be whomever filmed it, unless Valve has something to say about it (signing papers to see it might void your right to film it, filmer might get sued by Valve). Either way, this guy is simply selling what GameSpot filmed most likely. Thus...
You won't get TF2, you won't get Secret Game Number 3 etc. You will only get HL2 and MODs. For $9.95 / month you will get *everything* Valve releases over Steam. I have a feeling the next two years will contain more than just HL2 and TF2 from Valve. Maybe even more than Valve.
I will still...