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  1. killarman

    Top 5 SP Games?

    1) Half-life 2) Call of duty 3) Alien vs Predator 4) Max Payne 5) Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy ;)
  2. killarman

    OMG... i only just realised.. Halo2 is going to own...

    to much to reeeeaaaad! i cant take it anymore! *sleeps*
  3. killarman

    Zombie Skin WIP

    What site?
  4. killarman

    Stone's Retro Art

    COOL stone u own :D
  5. killarman


    Ok thanks.
  6. killarman


    Do anyone know how to make a picture to a texture? im trying to to a chair in 3d and i need some better texture.
  7. killarman

    Nice example of normal maps for those who don't know what they actually are

    haha the face pisture look like Mike Tyson :D
  8. killarman

    how to use max?!

    thatnks guys nothing u said helped but i am starting to learn how to do thing ty for u unhelping help :D
  9. killarman

    New evidence, this proves it

    Isnt it battlefield1942 on his backround?
  10. killarman

    how to use max?!

    And theres almost only tutorials for doing a eye and stuff like that, but u need to alredy know how to make things to do a eye! and i ******* dont!
  11. killarman

    [MP5] only my 3rd ever model

    Looks like its from stone age :P
  12. killarman

    [MP5] only my 3rd ever model

    HAHAHA :D looks funny
  13. killarman

    how to use max?!

    Can someone tell me how to ******* use 3dsmax5? Beacuse i only understand how to do a damn box beacuse its just to klick on a damn button.... I dont think u guys just ******* do a whole ******* weapon of some damn boxes!:flame:
  14. killarman

    3dsmax5 Question

    how much MHz or GHz do u need to use 3dsmax5?
  15. killarman

    f40 (WIP)

  16. killarman

    Stone's Pet Project...

    cool room
  17. killarman

    HiT-SQUAD: MAC M10 skin

    the MAC is so good i dont wanna stop looking at it!
  18. killarman

    my first models

    put some textures on it now :D
  19. killarman

    need xp?

    i havent bothered to buy XP :D but anyway....3dsmax5 just dont start if i double klick on it its starting to search then like a 3dsmax5 picture shows and then its some keys or sometning then it just shuts down ... anyone know the problem or what to do? Sry im not from England or some country...