First time I've been on this site in ages, like the new look. Anywho, someone brought to my attention that there is something resembling Gordon on the day 10 picture of the tree house thing.
For those that don't see it its on the bottom left of the tree. The more I look at it the more I'm...
Christ people, I thought someone might be somewhat interested by this. And since Gabe said valve won't make an announcement at the vga's nullifies half of what I said.
G4 released an article on their website saying that voice recording for episode 3 is going on right now, although they said its just a rumor. If its true, that means episode 3 might be out in late 2012. Whats more is that valve MIGHT announce episode 3 today at the spike video game awards...
The problem with the combine engineering the headcrabs is that combine are also victims of headcrabs. If they can engineer headcrabs not to become gonomes, they why not make it so they don't attack other combine? Although there are holes in this idea as well. Just throwing ideas out there.
Just some artistic pics from day of defeat that I found interesting. Although I doubt, with the massive amount of traffic the dod:s forum gets, that too many people will see these. Oh well.
There's a difference between racism and truth. Saying all gypsies are pricks is racism, as you can't go and meet every gypsy and decide that they're pricks. This kind of thinking leads to genocide, which is not cool. What you can say is that an awful lot of gypsies are pricks, as that statement...
I kinda think that its similar to late 90's house/trance music, but not that similar. Other then that, Bailey's work really is genre-less. But what I do remember is that valve recruited this guy who used to be in an 80's-90's alt rock band. The name of the band and of the guy i totally don't...
I know you're new here, but everyone thinks their gman plan is great, where as someone else probably thinks the plan is silly and dumb.
Anywho, your entire argument is based on the assumption that the gman is a human being. There is an awful lot of counter evidence to this, but for the sake...
One of the best mods I've played, simply because its the most original mod I've played. Highly recommend it.
ps, Can someone list the 5th and sixth ending?