First off, the combine are a race of creatures that go planet to planet, harvest that planet's resources, and "combine" themselves with the native population. Gunships, combine soldiers and striders were all at one point creatures on a planet that the combine came to. These creatures then either...
What made the first half life the greatest game ever made is the mood it puts you in. The mood of being all by yourself, of taking on an unbeatable force all by yourself. Now sure there were scientists and security guards, but they tend to die fast and not stick around. Now half life 2 goes for...
Black mesa is where Gordon Freeman worked. Aperture made curtains. The end.
And by the way, where did you get the idea that aperture came up with "portals" before bm? And the only reason black mesa sent the world to hell is because of the gman.
In a facility falling apart on itself, a clock is one of the last things that I would expect to work. And really, 2,739 years? The 9's were only there to set a certain mood, nothing else.
This also wouldn't be the first time something in the half life universe has messed up timing. If you...
No clue how to do it in source, but you could go back to the goldsrc game and type "impulse 76" (I think its 76). This command allows you to spawn grunts indefinitely.
First off, update your dirvers, thats almost certainly the problem. If that and what the guy above me said doesn't work, then you might be missing some game files. Go to your library, right click the game, properties, local game files, and hit verify integrity of game cache. That might solve the...