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  1. Beerdude26

    Repost: Read A Book It's still genius.
  2. Beerdude26


    Whale tail? I'm not even going to google that D:
  3. Beerdude26

    Overrated Edible Products

    Never liked products that were essentially the same in taste and ingredients, yet one of them is "SO MUCH BETTER" for some reason. Prime example here in Belgium would be Burn vs Red Bull. If you drink Red Bull, you're okay, but if you drink Burn YOU WILL INSTANTLY HAVE SEX WITH OVER 9000 GIRLS...
  4. Beerdude26

    Pyro Update has arrived!

    Try this: 1. Right-click on a game that's "uninstalled" 2. Go to the "Local Files" tab 3. Click "Verify integrity of game cache" 4. Let it run. If your GCF files aren't corrupted, it'll come up as 100% again.
  5. Beerdude26

    Simple addition for Steam Friends

    In the top right of each post are a few icons representing a Yahoo! e-mail address, an msn address, an ICQ address, etc. Why not make one for Steam Friends? Put your Steamfriends link in the URL box in your User Control Panel, and when you click the icon you are automatically forwarded to that...
  6. Beerdude26

    Moving to Oxford (UK)

    There are like 10 million parks because of all the unis, so those are pretty good spots for jogging/walking. Can't give any hints on which ones will get you stabbed though lol
  7. Beerdude26

    Swat 4

    Me and Krynn just had lots of fun in coop :D, too bad it got ruined a bit by some nubs
  8. Beerdude26

    Post your Spore creatures here!

    Lol I hope you're kidding, gimme a link
  9. Beerdude26

    Swat 4

    Heh, it's what I grew up in, lol The smaller maps are indeed filled with nadespam, but that's the least of your worries; there are spots where you are virtually unnoticeable, but still have a wide firing arc. Sucks to get gunned down by those guys. The bigger maps are very, very fun.
  10. Beerdude26

    Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

    LOL phantom I was viewing your pictures with Rick Astley in the background, your pictures fited so well :D
  11. Beerdude26

    Swat 4

    Done with exams tomorrow, I'll reinstall it and play with you guys \:D/
  12. Beerdude26

    Rate the last game you played

    Krynn check your friend requests, we'll play a game tomorrow
  13. Beerdude26

    Wich type of cell phone do you have?

    Same as monkey, but I like mine D:
  14. Beerdude26

    Office War

    That was extremely awesome. I laughed throughout the entire video. Beautiful scene was the guy who was losing his nerf-entrails.
  15. Beerdude26

    Nvidia GTX 260/280

    I haven't even upgraded from my Voodoo 2 3Dfx card. I just keep adding more SLI bridges to it. Currently I'm at 128 SLI'd cards (768MB), spread out over 64 workstations. I can run Crysis at 200 FPS tho \:D/
  16. Beerdude26

    I'm Bo Yo.

    He was pretty funny :D
  17. Beerdude26

    Rate the last game you played

    It's okay. In multiplayer, with 16 players, there's more than enough action. And in CO-OP in multiplayer even that is far too fast, because you really have to spend five minutes in each room to secure it. (This is on hardest difficulty)
  18. Beerdude26


    I guess this is supposed to be the penis... Those flowers are in the way, though, it's probably a cat or something else
  19. Beerdude26

    Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

    Definitely, Maybe - 8/10. It's a chickflick. It's a pretty decent chickflick. It's a pretty funny decent chickflick. It's a pretty funny decent chickflick with a story that isn't so ****ing predictable it makes you want gauge out your eyes!