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  1. Kitfox

    So I got a new computer and was thinking of replaying all of HL2

    As the topic says I wanted to play through HL2 but I know that its a bit dated. I was thinking of downloading some high rez addon packs when i stumbled upon the Cinematics Mod. Has anyone used this? is it worth getting? The fact that it changes the music and character models (some look better...
  2. Kitfox

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    As a protoss player I can't seem to find a good balance between mineral gathering and vespane gathering until mid to late game. My starting build generally goes. *probes -> mining *first probe -> mining *probe in queue -> mining *probe in queue -> mining *probe in queue (at this probe i will...
  3. Kitfox

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    So I preorder starcraft 2 for to get a beta key and it still hasn't arrived. The website said it might take 1 business day. Should I cancel my order if I don't receive by the 3rd business day?
  4. Kitfox

    In Soviet Russia, Sheep rape YOU

    You guys know that Pravda is a hoax paper.
  5. Kitfox

    Defense of the Ancients Developer Joins Valve

    This is interesting. I heard a rumour that IceFrog is a bit of a recluse and had been offered a job at Blizzard but refused to take it. Hmm...
  6. Kitfox

    Heroes of Newerth (Dota Standalone)

    Thank you for the invite Sedako. DOTA community like most community spawned by blizzard titles requires a thick online skin.
  7. Kitfox

    Heroes of Newerth (Dota Standalone)

    I have PM'd it to you.
  8. Kitfox

    Heroes of Newerth (Dota Standalone)

    I would also like to try this out if you could be so kind.
  9. Kitfox

    Favorite game as a kid.

    Relentless (Little Big Adventure 1), Doom 2, Kings Quest 5-7, Command and Conquer, Warcraft 2
  10. Kitfox


  11. Kitfox

    Fight My Brute!

    Its funny when both brutes have the steal weapon ability. They just steal weapons back and forth.
  12. Kitfox

    Fight My Brute!

    They are kinda at first... but then my char got a dog which also fights and learned to steal peoples weapons.
  13. Kitfox

    Fight My Brute!

    Just felt this little game would be rad enough to share with you lot.
  14. Kitfox

    Fight My Brute! Awesome little Internet game.
  15. Kitfox

    Infinity Question

    Sir are you questioning my integrity? (i have none)
  16. Kitfox

    Infinity Question

    In probability the numbers in a countable set n will appear the same amount of times given enough time and given that every number has an equal chance of appearing. If that time is infinite then given a large enough result sample m you will find that each number appeared approximately equal...
  17. Kitfox

    L4d dlc

    I ment them to be playable. Not increasing the number players i'm just thinking of ways to unlock them.
  18. Kitfox

    L4d dlc

    Heres an idea I had. Unlock able Survivor characters. There are 3 option here 1) You randomly and rarely encounter a new barricaded survivor in the maps which is usually way out of your way from where you are suppose to be heading and he/she is also extremely surrounded by the zombie horde...
  19. Kitfox

    do you remember this game?
