As the topic says I wanted to play through HL2 but I know that its a bit dated. I was thinking of downloading some high rez addon packs when i stumbled upon the Cinematics Mod. Has anyone used this? is it worth getting?
The fact that it changes the music and character models (some look better...
As a protoss player I can't seem to find a good balance between mineral gathering and vespane gathering until mid to late game. My starting build generally goes.
*probes -> mining
*first probe -> mining
*probe in queue -> mining
*probe in queue -> mining
*probe in queue (at this probe i will...
So I preorder starcraft 2 for to get a beta key and it still hasn't arrived. The website said it might take 1 business day. Should I cancel my order if I don't receive by the 3rd business day?
In probability the numbers in a countable set n will appear the same amount of times given enough time and given that every number has an equal chance of appearing. If that time is infinite then given a large enough result sample m you will find that each number appeared approximately equal...
Heres an idea I had. Unlock able Survivor characters. There are 3 option here
1) You randomly and rarely encounter a new barricaded survivor in the maps which is usually way out of your way from where you are suppose to be heading and he/she is also extremely surrounded by the zombie horde...