I thought this forum bumped posts after edits...some do that.
And to homer...your reply was so well thought out and amazing. You are awesome. Thumbs up!
Wait...no...in fact it was horrible...anyway drop that discussion before I get banned for being logical.
true...a bunch of immature idiots
i try to do something logical and look what happens
its called organization without discussion....fast way to get news
In order for you to get the news the quickest without having to search through the semi-big thread that is already up, I have made this thread.
DO NOT Discuss here!
The current status of Spitcodfry is that he is either...
Please sticky this:
Steam with EVERYTHING: http://gamefiles.blueyonder.co.uk/blueyondergames/halflife/steam/client/win32/steaminstall_full.exe
For all other packages go here: http://gamefiles.blueyonder.co.uk/blueyondergames/halflife/steam/client/win32/